My Journey

  • 4 down


    Well had my 4th chemo on Monday, I now know what to expect and felt very tired yesterday and today have the chemo smell and taste about me which I hate.

    My hair is hanging on, I seem to lose some when it has its first wash after chemo and then settles down again, I think if I had or do lose it it will be the final straw for me as this isent easy even though on the whole my reaction hasent been that bad.

    I feel fat and…

  • 2 down 4 to go


    Second lot of chemo yesterday, turned into a long day as the wanted to scan some of the veins in my arm above my picc as they were raised they were all ok though.

    Hair still looking fine was slightly worried that although she wet my hair before putting the cold cap on she forgot the conditionor as whe were busy nattering, I hope this wont cause a problem(the upside was I dident have make hair after she took it off that…

  • fatigue fairy


    Well I think I have had a visit from the fatigue fairy, first day back to work yesterday did 3 hours and it was ok, 5 hours today and came home knackered and went to bed for 3 hours dozing:((

    Hope its not going to be like this everyday

  • bit of a disaster


    Hot night last night with loads of tossing and turning in bed resulted in me making my like bleed:((

    Was expecting district nurse to train dressing anyway but got her to come early and then she sent me to hospital again:((

    Had to have the vent taken off so it could have a good clean up and all seems to be working well so ok again, had a quite afternoon on the sofa to give it time to settle down again, so far most of…

  • so far so good


    Well first chemo was Monday so far I have just been feeling a bit queezy in the evenings and im not finding it very easy to get to sleep at night, dont know if its the steriods in the anti sickness or the fact that we have so much on our minds or the fact that my husband has banned me goign to work this week so im just taking it easy and not doing alot.

    Have a different dressing on my line now which seems ok.

    The cold…