My Journey

  • been out:))


    My husband took me to the dog show today and friends showed my dog, dident win anything but was nice to get out:)) and see everyone, was getting a bit stir crazy yesterday not being able to do much except face book and watch tv.

    Feel well in myself and now managing to sleep a bit on my side so getting some more sleep, I have some very impressive brusies esp the one under my arm from my lymp node, the only down side at…

  • waiting


    Well fell better today than yesterday, I find it hard to sleep on my back so thats uncomfortable so not getting as much sleep as id like. Went out with my husband and dogs today had a nice gently walk round, im going to a show tomarrow with a friend showing my dog for me so a nice day out and a chance to see friends.

    I really fancied fish & chips for dinner but was told I couldent have them (spoil sport husband) im in…

  • first bit over with


    Well thats the op done and dusted.

    Arrived at 8 for and 8.30 appointment as we were worried about traffic, managed to park on the farm track so free parking for the day. Booked in then down to x-ray to have the nucular stuff injected and wandered around for an hour and a half waiting for it to work round my system. Back to have it x-rayed and nodes marked, everyone wishes you luck which I find very un-nearving then back…

  • The Waiting Game part one


    Well sat here in 'limbo' waiting for my op on Wednesday. My case is packed shopping and washing done want it to get here now so it's out the way.

    Dreading waking up with a drain as I will know it has spread, cant complain about my treatmend so far it will be 23 days from me going to my gp to my op.

    Want to get past Friday the 13th to find out the results so we can plan the summer, we have a holiday booked…

  • tired today


    I woke up tired today, dont know if its just because im tired or something more sinnestor, that the problem with this stupid illnes, it makes your mind play games.

    I couldent sleep the night I was told my lump was cancer, I layed bed and all my joints were aching and I was busy convincing myself I had bone cancer, in reilaty it was more to do with the fact that we had walked the dogs for 2 hours while we were trying…