My Journey

  • :((


    Just had to have the district nurse out, changed the dressing on my picc line and it's really sore. seems like its an allergic reaction to either the dressing of whipe, hope it settles down soon as it really sore.

    Will see how it is in the morning as im supposed to be out all day at a dog thing tomarrow.

  • echo today


    Been and had my echocardiogram today and ecg, the breed of dogs I show have just started to have echo's before breeding they say like dog like owner:))

    Brought some plants on the way back to do my baskets, want to get them done before chemo day incase im not up to it after and dont want to sit out in a depressing garden.

    I have even brought gloves to garden with something I dont normally wear, I am normally very…

  • line in


    Well thats another hurdle over, have to have the district nurse in for 6 days to check it and change the dressing, the nurse looked at me in amazement when I said it would have to be the afternoon as I am working in the mornings, im getting such mixed messages work wise everyone else has said to keep working to keep my mnind off things and we need to money wise for as much as I can but then its a real pain with appointments…

  • 21st


    Hard day at the hospital yesterdat, had a group talk about chemo then a 1 to 1 with the nurse.

    My chemo starts on the 21st with me having a line fitted on the 14th and a heart scan on the 16th so all go.

    Couldent sleep last night, too many things on my mind it was so much to take in, and my imagination doing overtime lots of aches and pains:(( and  then have a head ache today as im tired.

    Up at silly oclock tomarrow…

  • todays update


    Been to see the onc, I will be having FEC and then Hecptin, back on the 8th to see the chemo nurses who will run through everything with me, she has said I will propley have a line put in as my vains arnt much good, had to have bloods done today and it took them 3 attempts to get enough.

    Im entered in a dog show on the 10th and she said they could work round that and not start the chemo till after that which is nice…