My Journey

  • fed up


    Spent my five hours at work today with someone who was coughing her head off all day:((

    I know I propley shouldent be worrying yet but dont want to catch anything so that the start of my treatment is put off.

    Poor girl has only worked their a couple of weeks so dosent want to take time if sick but it dosetn help me.

    I have spoken to the woman who is laughingly know as our hr and told her I had no intention of coming…

  • whats the benefits are benefits


    Spoke to the Macmillian advisor at our local CAB today to be told that as we have some savings we wont get any financial help even thought my husband has been made unemployed recently:((

    So we have to dip into our savings which should be their for us when we retire to fund our travels to and from hospital and parking:((

    On the up side I did come home from work with a lovely bunch of flowers and a bar of choclate:))

  • work tomarrow


    Back to work tomarrow, not that im looking forward to it, ive not heard a word from them no card no nothing, what a lovely bunch of people in my office.

    Im still pretty sore under my arm and tired.

    Been looking at some wig's online in preperation can find same colour and style as my hair is now:((

    Im propley getting ahead of the game again but want to know what choice im going to get when I see them next.

    I have…

  • Feeling gutted and upset


    We got good news and bad at my post op check up.

    Tumour was 25mm grade 3 and because of that I have to have Chemo.

    Clear margins and no spread to nodes which is very positive news.

    Had decided in my head that I wasent going ot have chemo, I have had long hair all my life and the though of losing it fills me with total dread, I know its not logical but thats me.

    Also still have massive brusing and and some swelling…

  • low day


    Having a sad day today and dont really know why.

    Went to practice nurse yesterday and got my dressings changes, she dident bother putting one back on my boob as its looking so good, re-dressed the node one and told me to get myself some Arnica to help with the brusing as it is quite severe.

    Still have this annoying 'thing' in my armpit which is uncomfortable rather then painful but think thats whats getting me down…