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Second lot of chemo yesterday, turned into a long day as the wanted to scan some of the veins in my arm above my picc as they were raised they were all ok though.

Hair still looking fine was slightly worried that although she wet my hair before putting the cold cap on she forgot the conditionor as whe were busy nattering, I hope this wont cause a problem(the upside was I dident have make hair after she took it off that I couldent wash for a few days)

Felt tired when we got home so had evening on bed watch tv, felt queezy so had a tin of rice pudding as it was all I fancied. Bad night sleep again thanks to the steriods.

Lazy day today then hopefully in to work for 5 hours tomarrow they know that I will leave early if I dont feel up to it.

Off on holiday to a cravan in Hastings for a week on Saturday so hoping the weather will improve
