My Cancer Diary

  • declining chemo


    well i am not sure why i am having chemo, and have decided that unless the docs can give me a good reason why i need it i wont be having it, i have been reading up on it and all those toxins invading my body, put me right off, i can effect all your organs, plus your bone marrow, you open to infection and if ya have bad veins (they cant get a line in) they put you under general to fit a line which stays there for the time…

  • cancer and pain


    well for the first day today i have pain, acutally where the tumour was, its weird cos i had no pain at all after op snd its been 3 weeks now, the pain is similar to what i felt before they found the tumour, its like a pulling or drawing pain, and it comes in waves! my friend who is qa nurse thinks its where the tissue is settling, all the swelling has gone now and i have 100% mobility again, so maybe its that, if anyone…

  • chemo to start


    went to oncologist today, she was nice and told me more about the tumour, she said i need to start chemo now because there was vasicular spread in the tumour, but it wasnt in the nodes, so hopefully the little bugger hasnt done anything, 6 sessions which will make my hair fall out and even my eyebrow! they want to fit a line because my veins arent good, bt dont know if i could live with one! i havealso chosen counselling…

  • 18 days post op


    i cant believe how well i feel, i expected not to be able to move at all, but here i am driving and cooking, its great! its still quite sore but i think thats more where i am healing, i am going to buy some bio oil, which i have been told helps with scars, very expensive though so am going to buy it off Ebay. I am more concerned with Cris at the moment, he was released on 22/12/09 with necrosis of the pancreas caused…

  • stiffness


    i am doing all of my exercises lots, have really good mobility but the stiffness is there all the time, i have no lumps and no cording which is great, and i find all the exercises quite easy, i try and push myslef a bit everyday! but the stiffness is horrible, under my arm feels like i have sunburn, i assume its where the nodes have been removed and thats why it feels different, doc says everythign is fine

    but i cant…