declining chemo

1 minute read time.

well i am not sure why i am having chemo, and have decided that unless the docs can give me a good reason why i need it i wont be having it, i have been reading up on it and all those toxins invading my body, put me right off, i can effect all your organs, plus your bone marrow, you open to infection and if ya have bad veins (they cant get a line in) they put you under general to fit a line which stays there for the time of your treatment, well i want all that, i am already struggling to sleep on my left side, if they put a line in i wil only have my back to sleep, so there goes the sleep!

i am phoning the breast nurse tonmorrow for more facts, they say i have 30% risk of it coming back because i had vasciular spread but it was contained and nothing inthe nodes so why am i having it? i do wonder if its just the automatic step they stick you on, op, chemo,! well i want answers before i agree

if anyone on here has had a line fitted i would grateful to hear how it felt, how easy it was to live3 with, etc...also if anyone else has declined chemo.....

your thoughts would be appreciated, its a hard one, if i take it and out the toxins in, wil it make me worse in a bodily sense, i have ME so whats the risk of me having a decline with that, if i dont have it will i be silly, and risking my life!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy

    I can't help you with the decision about whether you should have chemo or not - that has to be your decision.  

    But I maybe able to help with the worries you have about the central line.

    I have had three central lines fitted, two under sedation and the third without.  

    To begin with I experienced a stiff neck for a couple of days and bruising round the site for a bit longer.  It was sore for a while but as it healed, it was fine.  

    The line will be kept dressed and looped round to stop it pulling and once the bruising and soreness goes you should be able to sleep normally.  

    I used to wear a vest with what M&S call 'Secret Support'.  You can always wear a soft bra in bed just to tuck the line into to stop it getting in the way.

    I have a very close friend with ME so I can understand your concerns regarding chemo.  

    They say that people with ME symptoms can feel the same as people undergoing/have undergone chemo.  

    In fact this friend and I, when talking about how we feel definitely have things in common.

    Whether having ME will make your side effects of chemo that much worse, or indeed whether having chemo will make your ME worse is something that may be worth discussing with an ME specialist.  Perhaps you could ask your oncologist to refer you.  Alternatively have a word with the ME association.

    This is a very scary time.  Don't make any hasty decisions and don't read too much on the Internet, talk to the experts.

    Well I hope this has helped a little.

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    I declined chemo for my acute myleoid leukaemia and opted for support instead.  They gave me 8 weeks to live last June.  I am still here and still fairly well.  Have seen others who opted for chemo - some dead and some pretty ill - but again some are in remission.  Tough decision but go with your instinct! I have no regrets - sure I would not have been here if I had opted for the chemo.

    Good luck

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy,

    Like Jo, I can't tell you what you ought or ought not to do. I hope her experience and the way she coped with a line hve reassured you.

    It is your body and yur decision.  Can I just suggest  that you talk everything through, and discuss all your worries with your oncologist or specialist nurse so that you have all the information you need to make your decision.

    Whatever yo finally decide, all the very best



  • FormerMember

    Like the others Wendy, I can not tell you what to do love. For me chemo saved my life, it almost killed me also but my medical team didn't expect me to make it and that was 2008 and now I am doing well and back to work as a female bouncer in a nightclub incharge of men. There is a good chance that my cancers will return at some point, would I do it again............I wouldn't want to but I would but that is me. Do what you feel is right for Carol x

  • FormerMember

    thanks everyone, i would if it was a matter of life and death, or to shirnk a tumour before i was removed, but its not! it was all localised, nothing in the nodes, i do worry its fear puytting me off! i have called the breast nurse so i can chat with her....hope your all well