My Cancer Diary

  • New lump!!!!! off to doctors today


    hi i appear to have a lump under my boobs at the top of my stomach on the right hand side, it doesnt feel as round as the last one in my breast, and does hurt slightly when i fiddle with it! am off to the doctrs tonight to see what he says.....fingers crossed! keep getting short of breath as well, its all a bit worrying...anyone else had anythng similar that wasnt cancer! 

  • immune system issues


    i have been bacxk at work for 10 months and seem to be pickign up every bug going, work are now issuing me with an oral warning for passing my consideration point of 8 days, i have said i never use to get colds, does anyone know if my immune system will still be effeted even now.????

  • hi all passed my year anniversary


    well its been a year since i was diagnosed and had my op. however the classic NHS and their crap after care (which is clearly an after thought), its been awful they have forgotten to see me for check ups, i went for my mammogram after i requested it after a year, anyway after 10 weeks waiting for results i then had to ask for those results, no check ups, no results absolutely awful.

    appafrently you only get results once…

  • update - been 7 months since diagnosis


    just an update on me, dont know if anyone out there is interested LOLOL, its weird i thought once i went back to work and normality life, it would all become easier but now the actual physcial has gone the emotional has started, i have such dark thoughts alot of the time, and i think its normal, have arranged to start some counselling. Found out recently that BC and Ovarian runs in the family although there isno gene…

  • hip and shoulder pain


    hey all, i am back at work and wishing i had never had chemo, the after effects of this horrid drug just seem to get worse and worse, i only had two but now i have pain in my shoulder, and in my hip and a constant RSI feeling in my hand where they put the drugs.

    I have read the shoulder can be caused by them cutting a nerve when they did the lumpectomy! but the hip i htink is more than likely a side effect of the chemo…