cancer and pain

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well for the first day today i have pain, acutally where the tumour was, its weird cos i had no pain at all after op snd its been 3 weeks now, the pain is similar to what i felt before they found the tumour, its like a pulling or drawing pain, and it comes in waves! my friend who is qa nurse thinks its where the tissue is settling, all the swelling has gone now and i have 100% mobility again, so maybe its that, if anyone else has had similar drop me a line please.

chemo nurse called yesterday, i am off for my 1st chat session next friday, they will check my veins, so i think i wil have to have a line fitted, my veins are naff, too much fat LOL, i am trying to get my head around the hair loss, and am open to anyone who has any ideas on dealing with that.

i feel really well and i cant believe how well i feel after only just over 3 weeks, amazing really, i think the reiki has been helping!
