My Cancer Diary

  • Starting chemo


    I am finally starting chemo next friday, have got to have a blood test on the Thursday because of the tooth infection, but its going ahead. Am still not happy about it, and still not happy that only through a row with my breast nurse did i find out i had TNBC - have been researching it though and found a good site, it does say its 98% of the time genetic, which my gene test says no, but who knows it may be another gene…

  • Urgent dental work needed - great!!! NOT


    ok woke up abcess on my tooth, right at the back, why are they always at the back, prob had way too many pain killers, so i need to know, if i get free prescriptions usiong my HC5, which i claimed, do i get free dental work! ALways had to pay be nice to get something back after all of these years - i am just brassick, off sick from work, opn half pay! still waiting on DLA result! ok the hospital have given me free parking…

  • Triple Negative Breast Cancer


    well today the breast nurse rang me, was getting uppity because i had turned chemo down, then out of the blue she declares that i have 'triple negative' breast cancer, i have never heard this term before, and after research it changes it all around and dumps it all on its head. when i look up tripe neg breast cancer its not good, its aggressive, normally comes back, often in the brain! its aggressive and also more than…

  • chemo


    well i went today but didnt have it, it had been playing on my mind for a while, did i really need, so i decided not and turned it down, it was quite refereshing. they got all of the lump, the nodes were clear and even they said it was just a small liukelyhood that it had gone anywhere else.

    i am sure the oncologist will be ringing me, but even the chemo ward didnt have a chair for me today to sit and have chemo, i…

  • Cris is home - and I feel rough


    Cris (my partner) has finally had his gallbladder removed and looks so well, luckily I pay for private healthcare through work, so he has been pampered, but it meant that i have over done it, lifting things that would my breast nurse scream!!! lol (suitaces etc) but it needed to be done and there was no one else, but boy is my body screaming at me now, 3 days ago i started getting pain in my surgery arm, from my wrist…