My Cancer Diary

  • pathology report


    got my path lab report through today, its all very confusing, what it does say is the tumour was 19x25x20 so it had grown a fair bit within 4 weeks, it says its invasive and grade 3, but it all says vascular invasion was present  not sure what that means, so i have asked for an appointment with the consultant to go back again to chat about it!

    but the best news is all 27 nodes they took were clear, its not hormone receptive…

  • results of tumour


    well went today to hospital for out patient appointment, they took the dressing off which left me very sticky, then the consultant told me that the good news was that it hadnt spread to my lymph nodes and that they had taken it all, but the bad news she said was that it was a grade 3, doesnt mean alot to me so i am going to have to research it, i have been offered chemo and radiotherapy, but will need to see a chemo doc…

  • post op


    hi, well i am out thank god was driving me mad in hospital, i have some serious food allergies and they werent able to help me, i lived on crisps and dry plain omelttes with no cheese or filling, not good! i have good mobility and do my exercises all the time, really making sure i go a little but further every day

    however my husband was rushed in when i was there, he has gallstones, i was cross cos its caused by hand…

  • 3 days to go


    well its sunday bags are packed and i ready to go practically and emotionally, am fed up having this tumour now i want it out, its annoying and some days feels huge then other days feels tiny, so god knows what is going on, i think it depends on the time of the month i fiddle with it.

    partner has gone very quiet and i think yesterday it became real for him, i am nervous but am also ready to get in there and get it sorted…

  • gene testing


    went to guys hosptial today with cris to have a blood test to check my genes, it was really informative and hekpful, you normally will only have the brac 1 or 2 mistake genes, basically i have the real brac gene but sometimes it makes a copy of itself, which isnt right and this is the gene that triggers cancer, breast and ovarian in women and prostate and bowel in men. its gene 13 an 17, you get one from mum and one from…