Starting chemo

1 minute read time.

I am finally starting chemo next friday, have got to have a blood test on the Thursday because of the tooth infection, but its going ahead. Am still not happy about it, and still not happy that only through a row with my breast nurse did i find out i had TNBC - have been researching it though and found a good site, it does say its 98% of the time genetic, which my gene test says no, but who knows it may be another gene as well as the BRAC1. I asked my brother in law and he said my sisters was hornone receptive and that she had pills. I just want to get back to normal, go back to work. I am staying away from work for abotu 3 treatments, see how i cope with it all and then if its ok I'll return to work, but i work in a huge office, which is always over heated, so if anyone gets a cold then everyone gets a cold, We have had swine flu lots and lots of times at work and it will be difficult staying away from bugs, but i am goign slowly mad being at home.

Have though started my home genealogy business, done the official paper, made the business cards, bought the subscrioptions etc etc, just need customers, but i want to get at least 1 treatment out of the way before i advertise.

also good is my daughter has moved back home, she has finally ditched the divvy boyfriend, come to her senses and moved back with me and her dad, was hard at 1st she have been gone 7 months, but we are getting use to it, she is startign an apprenticeship soon in health and social care so at least she will have some money.
