My Cancer Diary

  • HAIR!


    ok i think the loss of hair is clearly other peoples issues and not mine, went to Tesco today without a bandana, had had a shower this morning so more came out, it doesnt define who i am, but clearly losing my hair means my legs, arms and brain doesnt work - as i walked to the self service checkout with about 3 things a woman declared she would open a till just for me, to help me out, i laughed, said no its fine i can…

  • day 5 of 2nd round


    well i dont feel sick, and the dodgy taste seems to be passing, but boy am i tired! and dizzy again, but the stemetil fix that. i have never known this sort of tiredness i have no desire to do anything except watch telly and lay down, which isnt me - i am an avid World of Warcraft player and i cant even be bothered to do that - Cris and I are meant to be going to the Emirates on Thuirsday but i am worried i will be over…

  • dodgy food taste


    omg why does everythign taste like its been in 4 day old washing up water - why bother eating its enough to make me vomit! i keep drinking cherry coke, just for the flavour, am off the blackcurrant juice now - yuk! was sticking in my throat and making me feel sick! everythign tastes funny and i now need strong flavours in everything, so poor cris gets curry everyday lol....or lashings of salad cream on sarnies, or marmite…

  • liquorice and antibiotics


    i am on liquorice have been told it helps with low blood count! worth a try, its good for bowels as well. GP has put me on antibiotics cos blood count so low - yes or no guys! what do we think????

  • chemo 2 - fingers crossed


    ok hasve had chemo roudn 2, so far just feel floaty fingers crossed that i dont feel like i did with chemo 1 - nurse said my Neutrophils was 1 but the other was 10 - now i havent got a clue what that all means, but she 1 was low! so if anyone can enlighten me on that i would be happy! cheers

    it went alot quicker this time but then i have upped the liquid intake and the nurse said it helps to open the veins, so thats…