My Cancer Diary

  • chemo arm - not cancer arm


    i appeared to have developed a dent near my wrist and a dent in my elbow crease, there is also a muscle lump near the elbow crease, its not a lump its like a build up of fluid or muscle. it does however hurt to lenghten my arm and my fingers feel tight, its prob not conencted but the same side leg and foot is constnatly swollen. i know its not cancer so i am not overly worried its more annoying than anything else....

  • good books to read


    i have bought 3 good books recently

    choosing to heal - surviving the breast cancer system by janet edwards (an eye opener to say the least)

    and then two books by Janet Plant - about food and cancer!

    i recomend them both

  • chemo 3 - didnt happen


    well what a couple of days i have had, yesterday i went to get a blood test, i was already having reservations about the chemo, really not wanting it, dont think i need, its just chasing a maybe. so anyway i went for a blood test, got caught in 2 road works and then they couldnt get any blood.

    I am a very spritual person, believing everything happens for a reason, so the 2 road works were already a sign, then they couldnt…

  • is the cancer back?


    well i have a strange boob, it has a hard area and is weeping, i wake up in the morning with a crusty nipple which isnt normal, i have had a discharge since having my daughter 17 yrs ago, because i carried on prodiucing milk, but its different the area is hard and its a bit liek having mastitus when breast feeding. it does worry me thats it another cancer but in another way its finally madfe me decide over the mastectomy…

  • joint pain and arm pain


    ok need advice again, is the pain in the shoulders, elbows, right hip and arms normal, it feels like i have bashed myself but havent and hurts to lay down - hence why i am siting up at 11.30 at night! i do feel bruised but have no bruising, have had no bumps but its weird and painful, not painful enough that i need tablets or a doctor but painful enough that typing is hard - so short one tonight

    also to all, stay strong…