chemo 2 - fingers crossed

1 minute read time.

ok hasve had chemo roudn 2, so far just feel floaty fingers crossed that i dont feel like i did with chemo 1 - nurse said my Neutrophils was 1 but the other was 10 - now i havent got a clue what that all means, but she 1 was low! so if anyone can enlighten me on that i would be happy! cheers

it went alot quicker this time but then i have upped the liquid intake and the nurse said it helps to open the veins, so thats good, blood still gloopy though. Cris (partner) has got today and tomorrow off then the weekend, and next thursday we are away for 2 days to have a tour round Arsenal football ground, looking forward to that.

I have also gone sugar free, i think it makes me up and down too much all the time. Caffeine has alaos gone, and the deodorant, although i found a aluminium free one its still chemicals and i just cant use it, might end up with no friends though lol

have awful siatica at the mo in hips and back but i think its all the sitting around, done alot of driving this week as well.....

lets hope i stay ok this n light to all xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    A neutrophil is a type of white blood cell. When you are on chemo, it stops these cells from dividing, hence giving a low blood count. When your white blood cell count is low you are at more risk of infection, but other factors are also involved.

    If you you have a Macmillan nurse you could get in touch for more info!

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Classy xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy,

    As Classy said your neutrophils are part of your white blood cells and affect your immune system. They should be above 1.5 which is the minimum level to help you fight infection. I am surprised that if yours were only 1 they went ahead with your chemo, I was delayed because of a low count of 1.3 on my third cycle of FEC. The count that was 10 was possibly your HG (red blood cells) if it is lower than 10 it is usually a sign that you are aneamic. The other things they look at are your platlets and white blood cells. Hope this helps, and you are not too bad on your second cycle.

    Love and hugs Amanda xx

  • FormerMember

    just sick alot! cant keep anything down - but not dizzy which is good.

  • FormerMember

    you should be getting a neulastin injection to help boost your white blood cells. this is what my mum got after each chemo session. does this ring a bell?

    lots of love
