1 minute read time.

ok i think the loss of hair is clearly other peoples issues and not mine, went to Tesco today without a bandana, had had a shower this morning so more came out, it doesnt define who i am, but clearly losing my hair means my legs, arms and brain doesnt work - as i walked to the self service checkout with about 3 things a woman declared she would open a till just for me, to help me out, i laughed, said no its fine i can manage! maybe i am becoming sensitive! i felt liberated not to have a bandana on, it declares so much to the world, it big bold letters I HAVE CANCER! well i dont, i am only being treated for cancer, cancer is not who i am! as for the hair well the ears are cold! lol - but i dont care - am off to London tomorrow and will probably wear a bandana, I wonder if people will give up their seats for me??!!! Yeah Right lol

am feeling good today, only 4 more to go which means i only have about 12 more weeks of this crap then life is back in the fast lane, dont think i will ever be the same but i wont let it define who i will become. I keep telling people i dont have cancer, i did but i dont anymore!

as for the tiredmess OMG lorry smacked into me i think, yesterday couldnt even be bothered to go to the loo, sat in bed all day watching Harry Potter DVDs and Charmed! but then when will i get the chance or have a valid excise for doing that again - enjoy it while it lasts!!

appetite is back today, which is good and taste coming back - which is nice got fed up of eating dishwater, or think thats what it was, tasted like it, had beef stew lsast night, and it was yummy!!! cris said too much gravy but i couldnt tell there was anythng wrong with it, i think he is getting fed up with curry and chilli bless him

  • FormerMember

    your doing great wendy...

    i hate them "i have cancer" bandannas... i mostly went "gi jane! (bald!) except when it was too sunny or cold... i even traveled to the states totally bald after my 3rd chemo.. and alone.. cos my hubby works there... also girly weekend away with sistes and friends... never even got offered prority boarding when flying... boo hoo... he he he... keep it up... i think more of us should have the courage to go "gi jane" maybe then people would start treating us like normal people who just happen to bald .. for a while

    good luck

    liz xx

  • FormerMember

    yes wendy you don't have to hide your beautiful head. being bald and brave is a sign of strength - keep it up!

  • FormerMember

    Well done Wendy - your doing brilliantly

    I too went bald and proud most of the time and growled at people who stared!  I actually told one woman that it's rude to stare!  Having treatment for cancer is nothing to be ashamed of after all.

    I found people stared at me more when I wore a hat or bandana, probably trying to work out whether I was bald or not!  When I didn't wear them, there's no question.

    I do think that Gail Porter has helped "baldies" by being seen on TV without a wig - people are becoming more used to it.  Perhaps the more of us who embrace it, the easier it will become for others.

    (I realise that her condition is different but the result was the same.  I actually saw her on TV yesterday and her hair has started to grow back.)

    Glad to hear your appetite is returning and don't forget to rest lots.

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    Thanks Wendy, I thought I was the only one who felt that way! I was told by a colleague that I MUST wear a wig. I am all the more determined to go GI Jane.