My Cancer diary

  • Day 92


    Well this is a big week, by Friday I hit halfway through the treatments. Its a small thing, but that halfway mark means that I have more behind me than ahead. Its important.

    Things are going well, no major issues - my beard doesn't really grow now, the electric shave of a morning is getting virtually nothing out.  I think that my comb is getting more hair stuck in it than usual, some thinning should be all I get …

  • Day 90


    Day 90? Blimey, where does the time go?  I must admit that I am wishing my life away at the moment, I can't help it but I am counting down the radio and chemo sessions and wishing the treatment free weekends came faster and lasted longer.  Not a good way to live your life I think, but I guess its natural enough under the circumstances.

    Today we had my sons birthday party for his friends - tobogganing at the the local…

  • Day 89


    Its been a long day at the hospital today, I was out all morning.  It was just one delay after another, starting with a 45min delay for the radio.  Still, myself and the other waiting zappees (yes I know that's not a word) managed to have a long chat - not sure why that happens sometimes, often I'm rather self conscious of my speech and don't join in these things but today I did.  Mostly, as I'd often the case…

  • Day 88, Radio 8/33

    Well, thats it.  My taste buds are dead, everything tastes the same now - a sort of metallic taste.  I started noticing a few days ago when tea started to taste different, today I tried tea and whilst it was nice enough to have a warm drink, I couldn't have told it was tea without looking.  Another nail in the coffin of my appetite - its a shame, last weekend I did so well eating normal food and I could taste…
  • Day 86 & 87


    Radio 7/33, chemo 2/6

    Well I managed to miss a day, well two really, on my diary so I am writing them now.
    I've had another chemo session, which is why I missed a couple of days on the diary.  I ended up being rather late back on the chemo day - they really couldn't find a vein to get a line in. They looked for over an hour, warming my arm up to make them stand out a bit but just couldn't find anything. At least they…