Day 88, Radio 8/33

2 minute read time.
Well, thats it.  My taste buds are dead, everything tastes the same now - a sort of metallic taste.  I started noticing a few days ago when tea started to taste different, today I tried tea and whilst it was nice enough to have a warm drink, I couldn't have told it was tea without looking.  Another nail in the coffin of my appetite - its a shame, last weekend I did so well eating normal food and I could taste it then, I also noticed my appetite returning well - I still wasn't eating as much as before but I was eating.  I even felt a bit hungry at times too, well the chemo has killed that for the last couple of days - just like last week - but things were still not as bad as they were last week, I must have had a stomach bug on top of the chemo side effects.

I guess the effects of everything will start to build now, week 3 is when they are supposed to start to be noticeable, but I've gotten this far with only really the nausea from the chemo giving me any grief.  God knows how you ladies cope with bad morning sickness, even the smell of cooking is enough to make me feel a wave of nausea.  Urg.

On the plus side I'm not in any pain as such, a few aches here and there in my jaw at times, tiredness (of course) is fairly constant at the moment - but not that bad - and I tend to be fairly grumpy at times because of it all.  Once again its the poor family that gets the brunt of that, me being short with the children - or worse with my wonderful missus who is SO busy with college work right now that she really doesn't need me shouting the odds or being moody with her.  Ho hum, I just have to try and keep a lid on it.

Tomorrow I have the central line going in, should be simple enough - just another injection really.  It should make chemo easier, blood tests too.

Looks like the radiographers aren't happy with the fit of my mask, its loose around my jaw and neck, most likely because I have swelling from the surgery still going down which is changing the shape of my jaw and neck still.  I would have thought this would have been factored in, but maybe they couldn't wait any longer to start treatments.  Well, I went through that mask making thing once, I'm used to wearing it now so another one should be easy enough.  Especially as the end result in improved accuracy of the radiotherapy.