Day 90

Less than one minute read time.

Day 90? Blimey, where does the time go?  I must admit that I am wishing my life away at the moment, I can't help it but I am counting down the radio and chemo sessions and wishing the treatment free weekends came faster and lasted longer.  Not a good way to live your life I think, but I guess its natural enough under the circumstances.

Today we had my sons birthday party for his friends - tobogganing at the the local sports center.  They thoroughly enjoyed themselves - just like last year - although this time around I simply couldn't join in or help them up the slopes.  Last time I was pulling them up and pushing them down - it was good exercise and great fun :-)  This time I was purely spectating.

They enjoyed themselves and its amazing how much that can cheer you up - I enjoyed today, I enjoyed seeing my boy have a fun party and hearing him and his friends laugh so much.  Good day :-)
