Day 92

1 minute read time.

Well this is a big week, by Friday I hit halfway through the treatments. Its a small thing, but that halfway mark means that I have more behind me than ahead. Its important.

Things are going well, no major issues - my beard doesn't really grow now, the electric shave of a morning is getting virtually nothing out.  I think that my comb is getting more hair stuck in it than usual, some thinning should be all I get - not a full blown slap head :-) finally my mouth is getting a little sore. Not much, but its there, my gums are sensitive when brushing too and my tongue feels numb and horrid. I've totally gone off tea again, this happened before with the cancer in my mouth, but it just tastes foul at the moment.  I will have to try coffee instead, I think.

I don't want tomorrow to come, if I'm honest, I hate the chemo. I also felt bad this morning, not in a good mood.  My spirits were lifted when I bumped into a friend at the hospital, he's going through the exact same process as me, only a few weeks behind. He looked good, surgery scars healing well and he told me that after her talked to me and my wife the first time we met (I was getting told what radio and chemo, he was having his preoperation assessment) that if we got through being as cheerful as we were, then so could he.  What a nice thing to say :-) 
