Day 86 & 87

1 minute read time.

Radio 7/33, chemo 2/6

Well I managed to miss a day, well two really, on my diary so I am writing them now.
I've had another chemo session, which is why I missed a couple of days on the diary.  I ended up being rather late back on the chemo day - they really couldn't find a vein to get a line in. They looked for over an hour, warming my arm up to make them stand out a bit but just couldn't find anything. At least they didn't keep trying with the needles, I was spared that. In the end they got a nice lady with an ultrasound machine to get a line into a deeper vein.

As a result myself and my lovely sister (who spent the day with me) were still there after everyone else had finished and I can look forward to having a central line put in on Friday but this will at least make the next session quicker.

All in all apart from that, it was a relatively easy day although by the time I got home I was seriously tired. In the end I slept for some 15 hours or more, something I have never done before. The next day wasn't much better I was massively tired all day but at least the nausea wasn't as bad as last week. I was sick still but just once.  Eating was pretty much non existent again, hopefully weight loss won't be as bad as last week after a good weekend. To be honest I can live with those side effects, the tiredness I can put up with provided my stomach isn't as bad as last week. It does rather look like I had a bug last week, this time around didn't seem as bad to me.
