My Journey on Paclitaxel

  • 8th July 10th and Final Radiotherapy session.

    Today was my final radiotherapy session. I was in again at 8.45, box of chocolates in hand for the department. I might have only been going in there for 10 days but I was in there more than chemo. I had a few tears when hubby and I got outside. There...
  • 4th July completion of 7th Radiotherapy treatment

    Only 2 more sessions to go!!!!!!! I have been fairly good with the last few radiotherapy sessions. I started taking 1 Benadryl antihistamine in the morning before my session, and made sure I didn't have any creams at all on my boobie beforehand. ...
  • 28th June 4th radiotherapy session completed

    Yesterday I had my 3rd radiotherapy session, I was really not looking forward to it. Only because its been very uncomfortable afterwards when the heat and itching and nettle stings cut in. All went smoothly and again was over withing 15 mins. We met ...
  • 25th & 26th June 1st & 2nd Radiotherapy session

    Yesterday I had my first radiotherapy session, I was given the sexy gown to change into. I went in on time and after a few minutes they had me aligned ready to start. All went well and I had no problems with the breath holding. Everything was finishe...
  • Thursday 14th June just got Radiotherapy appointments

    Well today I have received my letter and appointments for my radiotherapy. I am starting on 25th June so not too much longer to wait. I will be having a total of 10 sessions. 5 will be normal one and the other 5 will be bed boost. It will mean some e...