8th July 10th and Final Radiotherapy session.

1 minute read time.

Today was my final radiotherapy session. I was in again at 8.45, box of chocolates in hand for the department. I might have only been going in there for 10 days but I was in there more than chemo. I had a few tears when hubby and I got outside. There is no bell or anything like that in my hospital, so hubby took a photo of me outside under a sign. I had a bottle of zero procecco and we took that to our force cancer centre and shared it with some of the volunteers there, had a few more tears, then went to my parents.

When we got home, I got my bell out, hubby put his fingers in his ears and I rang it for a good minute or so Grinning Grinning

This evening we have had a bottle of real procecco and a nice meal at home, I would rather eat at home than in some restaurant where one of us would need to drive. 

I'm feeling good and only a little tired, hopefully I'll stay the same, over the next few weeks. I will be having my first bone infusion on 30th July, but before that we are going to enjoy a week away for our anniversary. We are planning on a holiday in Greece or somewhere in September, although I won't get my next mamogram until about October.

I see my surgeon in August, so I will see what that holds for me when the time arrives. My dentist has said he want to see me every 3 months at the moment, but that's fine he's really nice and just wants to keep my teeth in tip top condition with these bone infusions. 

I will do an update on how those go. I hear there can be nasty side effects for a few days, but I will wait and see for myself.

Keep going never give up or give in. !!

  • Well done Alison. Such a long tiring and emotional journey. Let’s hope you stay well and can enjoy your celebrations at home and on holiday. 
    my mammogram is in October too so hopefully we’ll both be clear. I’ve had such fantastic care and it sounds as if you have too. 
    You look fab and ready for what lies ahead xxx

  • Thank you Kazza,

    I will be keeping everything crossed for both our mamograms in October.

    I still can't get my head around why ppl with TNBC get different types of treatments.

    I'm hoping the rain eases off a bit for our holiday, the clouds can stay though. Slight smile

    Keep strong and have a fab time too. 


  • Well done Alison on completing your radiotherapy.  Enjoy your holiday and good luck for the future.
