Wednesday 4th September all done and dusted.

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone, just a little update on things. It's now 8 weeks since finishing radiotherapy. I had 10 sessions 5 normal then 5 bed boosts. I did develop some sore places around my bad boob and had quite a bit of itching. I used moisturiser and aloe gel and also took antihistamine to help with the itches. 

I had my first Zolondronic infusion 30th July and have been fine no flu symptoms or anything, I must be one of the luckiest people as I haven't suffered very much at all through all of this journey. My dentist has given me toothpaste with extra strong fluoride. 

Friends and people I have met have said its from having a positive mental attitude. I must admit at first diagnosis I was petrified, but found that being open and telling people about my diagnosis helped me, I didn't bottle it up inside my head. If people didn't know how to react it's wasn't my fault it was theirs. You certainly find out who are your real friends that way too. 

I still feel tired at times, and some nights I wake up a few times a night and find it hard to get back to sleep, but it's me worrying about my elderly parents as they have both been not so good recently. Dad's had a mobility scooter for a month which has been good. Mum had one delivered yesterday, scared me silly watching her on it after she tried to stop but pulled leaver and went faster in reverse into the hedge. Luckily I was beside her and stopped it toppling over. Hopefully she will get better on it, I kept worrying lastnight but I know she needs some independence.

We are going to try and sort out some travel insurance and have a much needed holiday once my brother comes back from his break away. 

My hair is growing well. I spoke with a lady at Hair Reborn and she suggested using rosemary shampoo with no sulphates and other nasties. So I'm using a Faith in Nature one and it's looking good. I'm going to contact them again as they offer free haircut and advice after cancer. I might have to get a roaring 20's dress to match my hair soon. Joy

I will get my first post op mamogram in October.

Stay positive everyone.  Xxx

  • Nice to hear from you Alison and to know you’re doing so well. 
    Your hair looks great- mine is curlier but not quite so long. It makes such a difference to feeling normal again. I’ve used Faith in Nature all through treatment and love the smell of it besides any beneficial effects. 
    We’ve just come back from a week in rural southern France and apart from being very anxious before going it was a wonderful holiday. I hope you get away soon and can relax. 
    Though with your mum being so unsteady on her scooter that might be easier said than done. Let’s hope she gets the hang of it soon.  
    My mammogram is in October too so Fingers crossedall’s well. 
    Wishing you continuing good health & positivity, 

  • Hiya Kazza, 

    I'm glad you had a lovely time away in France. After all we have been through we all need a good holiday. 

    We have booked 11 nights in Kefalonia, I have had a few anxious feelings like yourself, but I m sure things will be fine as soon as I feel the sunshine.

    Fingers crossed for October. Keep in touch xx