
  • Why I've been away from the site


    Wednesday, 25th August 2010

    Logging onto macmillan tonight made me realise I've been away for quite a long time and I wanted to try to explain to all my friends my reasons.

    It may seem odd to you all, especially when we had such marvellous news after John's half way scan that his tumour had virtually disappeared, and I can't really explain it myself.

    John is still undergoing chemotherapy treatment but there…

  • Apologising again and a bit of a moan! :0(


    Friday 16th July 2010

    Hi everyone and sorry I haven't been around much.

    Truth is, even though we've had the most wonderful news possible about John's cancer, I've been feeling a bit down in the mouth.

    So, we should be happy, right?

    Well, John is very unhappy and I can't seem to drag him out of the doldrums.  He simply won't believe what they've told him and thinks they've got it wrong.…

  • Not cancer related but it might make you smile! :0)


    Someone sent me this joke today and it cracked me up.  Hope it gives you a giggle too:

    My neighbor found out that her dog could hardly hear, so she took
    it to the veterinarian. The vet found that the problem was hair in the
    dog's ears. He cleaned both ears, and the dog could hear fine.

    The vet then proceeded to tell the lady that, if she wanted to keep
    this from recurring, she should go to the pharmacy and get some

  • Five down and three to go - and now it all seems worth it!


    Thursday 8th July 2010

    Just come back from our fifth session of chemo, so now we are more than halfway through!  After the wonderful news we received on Tuesday, we now realise that it's all been worth it.

    Our trial nurse, Emma, stressed once again that the good results are very unusual and we can hardly believe our luck.  We feel as if we've been given our lives back and can make plans for the future that we thought…



    Tuesday 6th July 2010

    Couldn't wait to share our wonderful news with all my friends!

    John and I have just come back from the hospital and the doctor was beaming all over her face!  She told us she had some wonderful news and we can hardly believe what it was.

    The scan results show that there is NO EVIDENCE of the tumour!  At the start of his treatment this tumour was apparently a 4cm mass but IT'S DISAPPEARED!…