
  • Tomorrow is 'crunch' day


    Monday, 16th May 2011

    Well, tomorrow is the day John makes a decision about whether to carry on with his chemo treatment.  We've had a bit of a bad day today. 

    Gemma woke me up at 5.30 to go outside and then proceeded to sniff her way round the garden which didn't put me in a very good mood. 

    Then, later (not at 5.30!)  I decided to mow the lawn which is beginning to look like a hay field and immediately ran…

  • Had a good cry today - not sure if it helped.


    Sunday, 15th May 2011

    Just pottering around this morning listening to the radio when Eva Cassidy's 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' started playing.  John is a fan of hers and loves that song and I suddenly found that the tears were running down my face. 

    Of course he noticed and the next thing I knew we were having a big cuddle (which doesn't happen very often) and we were both crying. 

    I think it's because…

  • A song for a Hero


    Friday, 13th May, 2011

    I came across this song when someone on here requested a song for her heroic Dad.  It's so beautiful that I'm going to post a link here.

    Perhaps it's a strange thing to do but John and I have never talked about funerals.  I'd like to broach the subject but I know we would both find it very painful and end up bawling our eyes out. 

  • Is this the beginning of the end?


    5th May 2011

    I haven't been around here for a while but I think I might need some special support soon.  I feel very much alone at the moment because nobody who hasn't travelled this journey can fully understand what we're going through.

    John has undergone five sessions of the planned eight of chemotherapy - infusions every three weeks and daily pills.  I thought he suffered enough last time with the dreadful…

  • Here we go again!


    Friday 7th January 2011

    After such wonderful news last July and a period when John began to recover, we had the worst news possible last Thursday.  The cancer has come back.

    He was beginning to feel really under the weather with pain and bloating which got steadily worse so we phoned the hospital to ask what we should do.  The trials nurse spoke to him and arranged for blood tests and a scan and a follow-up appointment…