Five down and three to go - and now it all seems worth it!

1 minute read time.

Thursday 8th July 2010

Just come back from our fifth session of chemo, so now we are more than halfway through!  After the wonderful news we received on Tuesday, we now realise that it's all been worth it.

Our trial nurse, Emma, stressed once again that the good results are very unusual and we can hardly believe our luck.  We feel as if we've been given our lives back and can make plans for the future that we thought had been denied to us.

We haven't celebrated properly yet because it still hasn't completely sunk in how extremely lucky we are but John did go shopping and came back with two scrummy cream cakes on Tuesday!!!!

Once again, maybe our results will give hope to others on this site.  My heart goes out to all the lovely people on here who are still facing an uncertain future.  I know that John is one of the lucky ones and we are really and truly grateful.  We'll never take life for granted again - each and every day is now a blessing for us both.

Take care all of you and may God give you strength to fight your own battles against this beastly disease.

Lots of love and *hugs* to you all,

Marjorie x x x x x x
