
  • Sorry I haven't been around much


    Sunday 4th July 2010

    I haven't been on the Mac site for a while because I've been feeling very down and I can't quite put my finger on the reason.  Because of that, I've stayed away because I didn't feel up to offering encouragement to other people and that's what this site is all about.

    It's true that we've had a crap week - one thing after the other seemed to go wrong - but we have had some…

  • Good news for John today!


    Tuesday 28th June 2010

    After a very fraught few days - phone and Broadband going off, washing machine breaking down, John feeling very poorly - we got a phone call tonight that made everything alright!

    The nurse who is conducting the trial (Emma) rang because she thought we would like to know that John's scan showed good results.  The chemo appears to be working well so he can continue with the treatment.

    After thinking…

  • I really put my foot in it tonight!


    Saturday 19th June 2010

    John's son has only been to see him once since he was diagnosed with cancer and, it being Father's Day tomorrow, I was turning this over in my mind while I was doing the washing up after dinner.

    I said to John "I wonder if S****** will come to see you tomorrow."  He replied that he was very doubtful whether he would and that he probably would never see him again.  This made me…

  • You can't get away from cancer, even at the vet's!


    Thursday 17th June 2010

    John and I took our little dog Gemma to the vet's yesterday for a checkup on her leg (after her operation a couple of months ago) and to ask him to remove a tick.

    We'd made an appointment but it was obvious we were going to be late when a mother and two children came into the waiting room with a very poorly red setter.  It was obvious the poor dog was in a lot of trouble.  He managed to…

  • One tiny bit of good news today and the tiny 'thing' that's kept us going all these weeks.


    Tuesday 14th June 2010

    The tiny bit of good news is that the blood tests John had today indicate that the tumour is less active!  You cannot believe how much hope this has given us that the chemo can continue and that we can zap that b*****d good and proper!  He has to have the scan on Monday and then we will have to wait for nearly THREE WEEKS to find out the absolute truth.  I am keeping absolutely EVERYTHING crossed…