Loony Rambles

  • Adventure?


    Ok, so today, for the first time in two weeks, I ... Went Out On My Own. I drove to my little village to get birthday cards etc for the Free Range Teens, oh, and their pressies from Deri, and some fatballs for the birds, and a shiny for me yay! I bought a more substantial clasp for my trollbead bracelet, as I AM intending on it filling up ;)
    It was quite exciting, in a sad way haha, to be driving and out on my own!!
    I did…

  • Gold star for blasting


    Yesterday, as I mentioned somewhere else, Em M took me to hospital for my bloods and check up etc - bloods and platelets lower than Monday but not enough to have to do anything about, and don't want to see me until Monday unless something happens. The doc started to list off what things I should call about, then stopped, looked at me and said ''oh but you're sensible so I don't need to tell you that'' - haha! It's official…

  • Oohhhh blissful moments!


    So today, Kerry came over this morning for coffee and brought  huge Chelsea Buns - oh dear what a shame!

    Then at 1pm, a big red minibus from Usk House Hospice picked me up and whisked me off for complementary, complementary therapies!
    So, I was made a coffee and then my therapist arrived and I was assessed and filled in my forms, and as I can't have massage at the moment, I was offered reiki or reflexology. I have experienced…

  • Ahhhhhhhh, home............ :)


    Well, that was the weekend then. Quiet, sleepy, bit fuzzy round the edges. I am ok, bit feeble, bit unsteady on my feet (when I walk about I wobble a bit sometimes and have to steady myself on random bits of furniture) but feeling well in myself - got lots of meds to take and a week's worth of injections to give myself for my blood count. And I need to get some anti-histamine tomorrow as I am a little itchy all over.…

  • Beam me up Scotty...


    Whizz! Bang! Whoosh!

    Well, being hospital with it's own time warp, it was more like ' hang about a bit', 'hang around a bit more' ... then when I was ready to be unplugged from my constant companion (Drippy, very reliable but not very chatty), I had a bit of a funny turn as I mentioned earlier ... the lovely nurses laid me back on my pillows, opened the window and put the fan on and got my Boob Tubes cleaned up - 10…