Beam me up Scotty...

1 minute read time.

Whizz! Bang! Whoosh!

Well, being hospital with it's own time warp, it was more like ' hang about a bit', 'hang around a bit more' ... then when I was ready to be unplugged from my constant companion (Drippy, very reliable but not very chatty), I had a bit of a funny turn as I mentioned earlier ... the lovely nurses laid me back on my pillows, opened the window and put the fan on and got my Boob Tubes cleaned up - 10 mins later I was ok and called my stepdad and the porter pushed me all the way to the car in a shiny wheelchair ... and then - I was home!

Hugs from a relieved looking mum who then bustled off to prepare dinner; Megz n Ben were here with hugs and then dashing off to construct her new bed! And then Broni rushed in for cuddles too! Deri was supposed to be staying at her friends for a sleepover, but then my friend G phoned to say Deri was crying because ''Lucky the cat had been run over"

We don't know any cats called that.

Poor Deri, it's all obviously been a bit too much for her this week! :(

So G brought Deri home and Deri clung to me and I cwtched her tight and that was all very much better!

And now I am in my gorgeous new boudoir with cuppa, laptop, tv, phone, all my pillows and all my girlies safe and cwtchy :-D

Thanks SO VERY much for seeing me through this week ladies n gents, I hope you all know how tremendous you have been!!

Love You Lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    *hugs* and hurrah! that you are home - hugs to your girls, too - but I am very worried about Lucky, the sadly misnamed imaginary cat.


  • FormerMember

    Bless, we never really know how it affects the children unless they are able to say or find something that gives them the excuse to be upset, coz they try so hard to hide it so as not to upset us adults!!!

    I am sure having Deri close gives you both comfort. Give her and yourself cwytches (is that the right spelling?) anyway regardless, sounds like you and your family are in need of lots of hugs.

    All the best Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Welcome hoooooome, we-elcommmme... come on in. la laaaa la lah....

    Hoorah you are home in your groovy new boudoir and hoorah for cwtches with Deri. Next time tell her to not bother with the excuses and just say I want my mum cos I'm with Hilary worrying about unlucky lucky.

    Most importantly of all, did you succeed in your final mission? It might have been mission impossible?

    If you did not, whoever is next in, gets the baton passed (I am hoping its not me ha ha)

    Remember how scared you were about it? Done! Next stop, world domination and mastery of the universe... mwa ha haaaaaa. Can I be the cat that sits on your lap?

    Gotta get up cos P wants me to drive him to the supermarket....  It's a thrill a minute in our house...

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember

    Welcome home Ems!

    Sorry to hear that you had a funny turn, but at least you were OK to go home in the end, and I bet feels good to be back.

    Here's a hug from me, if i can squeeze it in between all the other hugs you're getting!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • Welcome home Ems now I can uncross everything must be great to have those you love around you and the comforts of home. 
