Ahhhhhhhh, home............ :)

1 minute read time.

Well, that was the weekend then. Quiet, sleepy, bit fuzzy round the edges. I am ok, bit feeble, bit unsteady on my feet (when I walk about I wobble a bit sometimes and have to steady myself on random bits of furniture) but feeling well in myself - got lots of meds to take and a week's worth of injections to give myself for my blood count. And I need to get some anti-histamine tomorrow as I am a little itchy all over. But I'm eating, drinking, chatting, typing, in between lolling or sleeping!

My poor mother is exhausted! She needs a holiday now lol! I have a fridge/freezer in my pantry down the hall from the kitchen, but Bryan and mum decided that was a bit too far so they have put an under-the-worktop fridge in the kitchen itself! :) They have tried doing everything me and the girls normally do.
It's made me realise how many things a day I usually do. And I know these are a normal amount of things (well, my kind of normal), but - don't we all do a lot of things?! hehe! Was I silly to try carrying on working? I don't know, it did me good in lots of ways. But damn I DO need to rest, so being forced into it is probably no bad thing.

I have napped lots today. I wanted to call more friends. But am a bit pooped! ;)

Meg and Ben came back from his mum's today with a portion of stew his mum had made for me :)

I am learning to let myself be spoiled :)

Love and Blessings to all xxx

  • FormerMember
    ha ha got on here on my phone somehow!! Let yourself be spoiled and looked after... People like to do it makes them feel like they are doing something. Huge Cwtches to you and bug hugs and fig nigs too... Oh and guess what? I still haven't written my talk Haha ha the queen of procrastination is wishing you goodnight and sleep tight xxx
  • FormerMember

    Thank you :))

    Deri just woke up and got into my bed. She lay down, then spun round and said, "you know if you don't work, will we be poor and not have any money?"

    Oh bless her heart she worries too much! :-/ Of course, I have told her, when I'm working during her school hols etc, that I work because houses and food and clothes etc cost money. *sighs* Damned if you do, damned if you don't!

    Off to cwtch my little one to sleep. Nos da xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yeah to being spoilt, and lolling around. The plus side of going through this is that we get to appreciate the things that we are usually too busy to appreciate....friends and family being top of list. The other is BEING ALIVE :-)

    Sort out what needs to be done from what has been done. Give Bryan and Mum a hug from me for trying to keep things 'normal', but they also have to look after themselves (and will have their place to keep going too). The girls will just want a happy mum and grandparent, and probably appreciate that things cannot continue as they were, better than you imagine. A family conference may be in order, just to get everything out in the open.

    Hope you have been in touch with Macmillan to sort financial help!

    Didn't know that you lived in a grand mansion....having to walk down a corridor to reach your freezer. LOL!

    Fuck off itching! Unless someone has had the sort of itching from Hodgkins, they cannot appreciate how awful it is....I used to use a steel hairbrush to scratch mine, and would be crying from how painful it was. My son always knew when I was relapsing, as the itch always started first. I used to have to dash into another room if I started scratching, but I could never hide it from him.

    Work will wait, your body needs rest and has a battle to fight. Enjoy the times when you are nausea and pain free, do things when you feel able, but rest if you need to.

    Big hugs to you all. Thinking of you every day.

    Boo Hiss to Hodgkins. And can't wait to shout "ITS BEHIND YOU!!!" (getting into the panto/Christmas spirit)


  • FormerMember

    I haven't got a pantry down the Hall in Valhalla; I could get jealous here.

    LM is right; take advantage of all this help and attention whilst you can. You have to work hard at resting.

    Give little Deri a biggest cwtch from me, she has an old head on those seven year old shoulders. What a lovely supportive family you have!

    Sorry about the itching, hope the anti-histamine works.

    Glad your home, take good care of yourself,

    Big hugs and welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx


  • FormerMember

    Now now, it's NOT a very long hall at all, maybe 10 paces from kitchen LOL! But that's how delightfully barmy my mum is :))

    Itching this time is due to the IGEV chemo. May it soon pissflappingly sod off!!

    I am going to put the brakes on my mum a little this week. The plan was for her to come over at 4pm each night to cook dinner during my first week back. I am a bit wobbly and the help is fab. But now she's planning NEXT week's dinners... and 1) she is knackered, 2) I need to wean myself back to doing SOME stuff and 3) I am feeling a bit crowded in!

    So, I think I'll have a word and suggest that  she has the weekend off (hardly any kids about on weekend anyway!) and then we do every other evening next week :))

    I am hoping Deri can stop stressing now she knows everything is sorted.... nearly cried myself when she said that!

    I am still practising being a sloth, and quite enjoying it!

    Love and cwtchs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx