Oohhhh blissful moments!

Less than one minute read time.

So today, Kerry came over this morning for coffee and brought  huge Chelsea Buns - oh dear what a shame!

Then at 1pm, a big red minibus from Usk House Hospice picked me up and whisked me off for complementary, complementary therapies!
So, I was made a coffee and then my therapist arrived and I was assessed and filled in my forms, and as I can't have massage at the moment, I was offered reiki or reflexology. I have experienced (and given) reiki, so I thought I'd give the latter a go - oh my goodness, pure bliss! So very very nice. Then the driver brought me home again. How fab was that?!

New washing machine that has its door completely working with no leaks arrived today so sending laundry through at a rate of knots!

The itching - grrrrrrrrrr! It is getting better I must say, but if you could see the rash (must try to take pictorial evidence!) - bleugh!

Tomorrow, more check ups and results of the biopsy too methinks. Let's see what Mr Lumpy has been up to and keep blasting him into space!

  • FormerMember

    I hope Mr Lumpy has put his tail between his legs and is well on the way to scarper. Go away, Lumpy, nobody likes you!

    A working washing machine isn't quite up there with Lumpy-bashing, or so you'd think until you tried to live without one. (In my Serious Hippy days I did actually live without a washing machine at all and took pride in doing everything by hand. What was I, nuts?)

    As for cake and complementary therapy - bliss!


  • FormerMember

    Oooh reflexology... mmmmm. I looooove it.

    Stop washing! Don't care if you have a new machine with a non leaky door... its heavy and hard work... and you should be in bed. ( I know, I don't practice what I preach... but who does eh?)

    Stop blogging so late cos some of us are in bed asleep. zzz

    Stop... oh that's enough stops...

    Good luck for tomorrow and let me know results eh? Better be good. I am happy to help blast him into space. I have a lab full of chemicals at my disposal.... mwa ha haaaa.

    Do I want a picture of your rash? hmmmm Do you want a picture of my bag in return? Oh maybe that should be my new avatar... oh, maybe not. Just thinking out loud there...

    Glad to hear you have huge chelsea buns... 

    I hope nos da means good night or some such, or have you been swearing at me in Welsh all this time...?

    Fan i helveta I hope not...

    Nos da and sov gott...

    bug hugs to you

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember

    Yeh, you tell him Hils!

    Ah yes, I recall hand-washing most items when I was but a young, long-haired lass... hmmm, yes, we were nuts!! It has completed 3 cycles this evening, I may let it have some rest tomorrow ;)

    It was, and my feel feel divine!

    Cwtchs and sweet dreams hunnybun xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh LM< I thought you were asleep :)
    Hello :)

    Yay for helping blasting him into space!

    Yeh my baps and buns are huge ... ahem............. photo swaps, oh dear, look what we could start!!

    No Welsh swearing, I swear!

    Thank you cupcake (no I am not obsessed), huge hugs and cwtchs and love.... sweet dreams to you!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    All the best and good luck for tomorrow. Will be thinking about you.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx