Loony Rambles

  • Now it's Plan C, actually!



    Went in today with my 24 hour urine sample and to have bloods taken,a nd to find out what time the new regime would be starting next week. But, last night, my armpit on right hand side felt tender. I thought mayeb it was referred pain from swollen Lumpy, but thought I had better mention it anyway.

    So then I had to be prodded and wait for a scan. A surprise bonus today!

    Scan = nothing. Hoorah. The sister…

  • Birthdays and 'spoons' and questions


    Deri had a BRILLIANT birthday yesterday (Sunday) ! :)) Cake and playbarns and presents, and just much fabness. Some great pics LOL! She loved her day and her fun and her gifts :))

    Today, a friend who lives in America, asked me about whether or not illness can cause isolation at all, in any way... she asked this after I sent her that spoons link that Hils posted - see how useful it was Hils? :)

    Hmmm....... isolation…

  • How'd Thursday come round so quickly?? (warning: serious matter included)


    Bloody hell. Crazy week.

    All geared up for taking small human bean trick or treating on Monday night, then heading home to light a Samhain fire. Sounds simple;  leave work, pick D up from friend's after school, zoom her to Jo's to get into her zombie costume (made by her 13 yr old sister), let a bunch of young un's scare locals and get high on E numbers, meet 13 yr old B and her friend C, all go home to mine…

  • From Woozy to Wahey


    So, how are you all doing this weekend? I've gone from one extreme to another!

    Friday was spent mostly asleep and feeling bit 'bleurgh' and wondering if I'd make it out to my friends' 40th on Sat - about 10 friends are 40 this year/month and organised a big 'do' at a converted barn with a band (my friends band from Cardiff but I didn't know they'd booked them until Dom in the band emailed me last week to…

  • icky & sleepy


    Oh here we are, chemo number 6. Possibly 6 more left, but will find that out after chemo number 8 when I have a CT scan to see if lumpy is still shrinking. Doc says however many chemos I have, I'll get a NHS bonus of some radiotherapy at the end. If plan A doesn't keep working and lumpy stops shrinking, we'll be back to considering plan B, going in to be blasted intensively, but she thinks plan A is going well…