From Woozy to Wahey

1 minute read time.

So, how are you all doing this weekend? I've gone from one extreme to another!

Friday was spent mostly asleep and feeling bit 'bleurgh' and wondering if I'd make it out to my friends' 40th on Sat - about 10 friends are 40 this year/month and organised a big 'do' at a converted barn with a band (my friends band from Cardiff but I didn't know they'd booked them until Dom in the band emailed me last week to see what I was doing this weekend!) and a DJ, who is a friend of our who's been DJ-ing since we were teens, and a 'rodeo sheep' ride and a bouncy castle... The very fabulous Mars drove me there - as I've been a bit peeky, and Mars had to drive back to Hull today (Sunday), we thought we'd pop along for a couple of hours and be home early.

I saw people I haven't seen for ages, some of them for 20 years! Dom's band (tribute Blondie band!) were fab, and our DJ was brilliant, and I did vodka, and dancing (with lots of rests in between!) and laughing and catching up, and took pics and all of a sudden it was 1 am and me and Mars were agreeing to go back to Em's mums place (she had vacated it for the night) where there would be more music and revelry, just for a cuppa and home - erm....... we got back to mine at 4 , ahem!

I took 2 cocodomols immediately - but however many aches I was due to have, were all so very worth it because it was such an amazing night! Had so much love from everyone, and we all just chatted as though we saw each other all the time, and I did a silly dance with Tim and a bum-bumping shuffle with Nick and shimmied a lot with Mars and Ems and Ems and Claire and Claire (yeh the mums round here in the 70's had some favourite monikers obviously) - I love my friends! - and it was just what the doctor ordered - well, my doctor may not have exactly recommended it, but I am declaring it as an Alternative Therapy *grins*

 I need lots of sleep now, that'll teach me! My ankles ache and my hips are moaning a bit, but sod it ;)

Sending big huge cwtchs to you all

