Birthdays and 'spoons' and questions

4 minute read time.

Deri had a BRILLIANT birthday yesterday (Sunday) ! :)) Cake and playbarns and presents, and just much fabness. Some great pics LOL! She loved her day and her fun and her gifts :))

Today, a friend who lives in America, asked me about whether or not illness can cause isolation at all, in any way... she asked this after I sent her that spoons link that Hils posted - see how useful it was Hils? :)

Hmmm....... isolation... on some levels, yes, absolutely. Because friends/family/partners etc can sympathise, and try to help, and be loving, and get upset for you, or feel helpless and try to be useful, but if they haven't got, or had, what you have, then none of them can ''be'' right IN there with you, they can't take it away for you, nobody can stop the occasional and out-of-the-blue grip of panic, or brief moments of sadness, or surges of anger at 'why me' that can appear ... I have now got my head around the fact that 3 cycles of chemo didn't magically make my lumps disappear, that it's likely to need 6 cycles. The other 5 day option they mentioned still freaks me out.

And I noticed this weekend, that the right hand side of my neck is firm and slightly swollen again... is that due to me drinking alcohol last Sat and this Sat night? Or is the stubborn lump playing up? Or is it just part of the process? Will I be ok in time for Xmas? Will I be weak and feeble over the holidays? If chemo continues through Dec, I am due the day before Bronwen's birthday - how crap is that?? I may ask if we can tweak the dates! How can I have no spoons available on the day of my daughters birthday? Fuck off cancer you bastard!

And people will say, oh. she'll understand, and at least you'll be there even if you're in bed, and she won't mind, and we'll take her out for you etc... but, part of her WILL mind, because her mum will be poorly and I WILL mind because how fucking unfair!

And I have been positive, and thought good thoughts, and laughed at it, and stopped smoking and not had even a glass of wine since August, and eaten broccoli and tomatoes til they come out of my ears, and given up sugar too!

And having found the Macland has been fabulous, coz everyone here is living what I'm living, and we make silly jokes ehich others may wince or frown at, and we KNOW what we all mean when we describe 'stuff', and we all cheer each other up, and well, YOU all know how bloody useful it all is!! And I'm lucky coz my 'real world' friends have ALL been amazing too! Nobody has been awkward or weird, they have all just rallied around and been SO supportive. I have been flooded with offers of support, help, assistance, shopping, childcare, food, hypnotherapy even!

And you lovely lot, well, I am LUCKY to know such top notch folk like YOU!! :)))  AND, another weird but very nice side-effect is that I actually met one of my Macland friends in person, (added bonus she brings her own sausages) and will do so again when we can both manage to be awake/mobile on the same day LOL!

It is the most surreal experience of my life. I am blessed to have you all. I am lucky that the cancer I am dealing with is not terminal, can be treated, that I have the personality I have too I guess, I am sure some others cope worse or better, but I'm doing ok so far!
But, I'm not brave. People have said that I am, but, I have no choice. I HAVE to get on with it! So I am. Some people have said I'm an inspiration. That made me cry. And I didn't know what to do with that!  You don't know how much you can deal with until you're dealt your hand, you think??
I want to be well, I want to well soon, and I know I WILL be, but I can be impatient!! ;)

You know what annoyed me the other night? A chap I know from Glanusk, very nice in lots of ways, asked me how I was. I said I was doing well thanks. ''Good girl, that's the way" Good girl??!! I know, I know, he meant well, but really!?!
And, I'm bald, it doesn't suit me, I'm not cute or sexy or quirky being bald! I have a double chin, I'm curvy! And, my neck is still misshapen from the lymphoma. I don't hide, I don't usually feel self conscious, and I am sure most people don't give a sh*t LOL! But it screams ''cancer!'' , you can't pretend like you can with fibromyalgia :)

Did that answer my friend's questions?? :) I don't know, maybe it did, but it was a good opportunity to have a rant ;))

Oh, one more thing ....................... THANK YOU!!  Because, all my friends, old and new, near and far, are helping me get through all this so much more easily, and I will always be immensely grateful for that.

(and if you got this far, well done for not nodding off!!)


  • FormerMember

    handing over a couple of spoons because everyone could do with a few extra! Keep smiling Tiggs x

  • FormerMember

    Ems, I read this and I thought how much it reflected me and what I went through at the beginning (I hope that you don't have any of the rubbish that followed me) Yesterday marked 4 years since I was seen by a cardiologist (2nd opinion) and he realised how poorly I was and had me admitted to hospital immediately. They called a case conference that lunchtime and I was booked for biopsy, x-ray, ct scan and more blood tests that afternoon. Operation was booked for 5 days later, and steroids started straight away so that I could breathe. The cardiologist told hubby that I would have had 2 months at most if they hadn't operated to remove the tumour.

    I missed seeing my youngest's preparation for his 2 proms, and his 18th was so low key as we knew that if the stem cell didn't work that was it. He was brilliant about it all, as kids are. I was also pretty crap at my daughter's wedding, but again they worked around it, and her MIL and friends were brilliant getting things sorted for their special day.

    Yes, we wonder why we get cancer, but I try and think of all the positives. I think of the way old friends that I hadn't seen for a while have made contact and how I've found out who my real friends are. Many people from my Church came to see me when I was housebound, to chat and for a coffee, and I had more time to listen to other people's problems too.

    As for the bald look, it didn't suit me either, and I've got 3 chins, and was bloated with drugs! Just keep thinking that you are going to be fabulous when this is over!

    Love and hugs

    Louise xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Glad Deri, you and family all had a brilliant birthday party.  There's nothing like a family celebration to get you in good spirits.

    Spot on with the other stuff.  For a start F off cancer, but I feel so lucky and believe mine is and will remain cured.  Fingers and toes crossed.  And I too have had the "oh how brave, and what an inspiration, and I wouldn't cope like you are" stuff.  But the fact is, it's not a choice it's just what it is, and we do just get on with it don't we.  And ofcourse I like you always try to look for the silver linings, and you have expressed yours, so yippee for good family and friends and HUMOUR, that gets us through.

    Love and hugs

    Take care, Jan x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Stuff cancer and all its nastiness! Thanks for that terrific blog. I won't say any more in case I lapse into tilted-head mode. Just  - THANKS!!!

    Love & hugs, Annie


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems!

    I loved that, have a good swear and get some shit off your chest, so to speak.  No fear of me nodding off it was very captivating, really struck a chord with me, I loved it.

    One of the things that really peed me off was the people who totally avoided all forms of contact with me when I was in hospital or house bound, that is until they saw me when I was out and about again. Oh and they were so sorry they hadn't been in contact, they were just too busy or just didn't know what to say. I really wanted to say "well fuck off now cos I don't need you now, did you know being on your own all day is shit". But I have grown to become tolerant of people's fear and ignorance of illness, and have simply said, "I do hope you won't mind if I don't call, text, or write if ever one day you are incapacitated?". OK so not so tolerant!

    You have a wonderful spirit, attitude, call it what you will Ems. Oh and thank you too!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx