icky & sleepy

1 minute read time.

Oh here we are, chemo number 6. Possibly 6 more left, but will find that out after chemo number 8 when I have a CT scan to see if lumpy is still shrinking. Doc says however many chemos I have, I'll get a NHS bonus of some radiotherapy at the end. If plan A doesn't keep working and lumpy stops shrinking, we'll be back to considering plan B, going in to be blasted intensively, but she thinks plan A is going well so far. 

Started yawning before even got home from hospital today, and collapsed on sofa whilst mum and stepdad pootled about doing chores and trying to talk to me and trying to tempt me with fish pie and not getting very far as was too woozy and vague. D was dropped off by Liz at 5, mum took her away at about 6, by which time I was feeling pretty crappy so that was good timing. Had time for a couple of cwtchs first :)

Felt the chill starting, and quite nauseous for a bit, so shoved heating on (too feeble to light fire) and huge fluffy dressing gown and woolly blanket and dozed off on sofa for a while... woke up feeling hot and thirsty, so ripped dressing gown and blanket off and rank orange juice an date sliced up tomatoes and cucumber and a slice of cheddar but think over did it with the cheddar.

So, possibly 6 more of these eh? Best plough on and get those positive thoughts up a gear... :)
