Living with incurable cancer

  • Wobble Over


    Right apart from a stinking cold I am back to my old self again, feeling a bit more positive, thanks for all who have made me feel better with their advice.  So I start radiotherapy next thursday and in theory I should be still on a treatment break but feeling quite rough with this cold which isn't like me, but then I'm not me anymore I am the new cancer me.

    Well I will still try to shake this off and go out…

  • Got Scan Results :(


    Just got back from the hospital with not good news, my pelvic tumour has more than doubled in size to 8cm in 6 weeks and is what is causing my bladder not to work, my lung mets have grown but not as drastically.  I am now booked in to start 4 weeks of radiotherapy every day at London on the pelvic growth, after that i will be going on Votrient (pazopanib) a new drug.

    Trying to stay positive but man it is hard, i feel…

  • Having A Wobble


    Had a bit of a wobble today, panicking about my consultation tomorrow.  Just can't help thinking it is going to be bad news.  For the most part I am pretty good at putting it out of my mind and getting on with it, life that is, but had some panic attacks and a very heavy chest all day.  The thing is that since my Consultant told me the news that my cancer is incurable she is the monster in my nightmares and therefore…

  • Easter 2013


    Well my bladder problem aside I am feeling pretty goooooood at the moment so am looking forward to Easter, which is funny because there was a time I didn't think I would get to see the London Olympics! :)

    Now I have a scan on the 2nd and consultation and preliminary results on the 5th April so everything crossed for that, but in the meantime life goes on.

    Am hoping to go for a couple of meals over Easter and visit…

  • Catch Up


    Well here I am living with incurable cancer this is so surreal yet so real!  I only had the panic attacks and total fear for about two weeks after being told, I suppose you could say I was lucky in that respect.  I woke up one morning two weeks after being told and the panic had gone, I was at peace, don't know how it happened but it did.  I was now on a mission to fight this disease and to live my life like I should…