Living with incurable cancer

  • October 13 Waiting for an operation


    Haven't been on here for a while have been having a bit of a rubbish time, became incontinent due to the tumour in my pelvis wrecking my bladder, which really brought  me down.  Have had some really bad pain episodes as my tumour started to die and take bits of my insides with it, but at least now it is not visible on scans.  They won't say its gone but it's not visible so I hope it is dead, my chemo tablets continue…

  • Quick Update 27th May


    Had 12 of 20 radiotherapies and aside from bleeding from my bladder, diaoriah (sp), fatigue and nausea I feel good! :D I have controlled most of the side effects with tablets. 

    I wish my partner and  I had more friends and family nearby, it does feel as though most of the time we are in this alone, but its hard to make new friends at 50 and when you are ill 50% of the week.  I am praying (don't know who to!) that when…

  • The Good and the Ugly


    The lady who works at the train station I go to London from for my radiotherapy everyday noticed that I was a regular and (because of my action man hair probably guessed my condition) told me how I could save a third on my rail ticket everyday by applying for a railcard, she has saved me over £50 on the cost of the travel for this treatment alone, what a lovely lady she was and how nice of her to actually notice me and…

  • London Calling (Again)


    Right I'm off to London to have some radiotherapy which is a new experience for me, i will be going every working day for 4 weeks so I will become a commuter. My new fridge and freezer are in and woking and my car passed its MOT first time so thats nice!  Got my book in my backpack for reading on the train, currently reading Perdita the autobiography of Mary Robinson an eighteenth century actress, my what they got…

  • Waiting for Knowhow


    Weird isn't it how you can be so ill and still life goes on I am waiting for my new fridge and freezer to be delivered, normally I would be given the late slot and would be upset that I had to wait around, now that I have a stinking cold and my partner is in bed with the flu I have been given the 7 to 11 slot so I had to get up dead early this morning.  I know they will probably come nearer 11 than 7 but can't take…