Got Scan Results :(

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Just got back from the hospital with not good news, my pelvic tumour has more than doubled in size to 8cm in 6 weeks and is what is causing my bladder not to work, my lung mets have grown but not as drastically.  I am now booked in to start 4 weeks of radiotherapy every day at London on the pelvic growth, after that i will be going on Votrient (pazopanib) a new drug.

Trying to stay positive but man it is hard, i feel like crap, have got a stinking cold to boot.

Just can't help thinking this is the beginning of the end. :,(

Love Jayne xx

  • FormerMember
    Hi Me again. Please try not to worry Pazopanib has had very good results on your form of cancer and kidney cancer for which it has been approved for. My husband is on clinical trials because they are unsure how it reacts to the cancer my husband has which was stage 4 throat cancer (which has now gone), but he also has a synchronous primary of oesophagus cancer which hasn't, but he has mets in his liver and nodes in his lymph in chest and abdomen. They are trying to slow the progression down. Take care x