Catch Up

1 minute read time.

Well here I am living with incurable cancer this is so surreal yet so real!  I only had the panic attacks and total fear for about two weeks after being told, I suppose you could say I was lucky in that respect.  I woke up one morning two weeks after being told and the panic had gone, I was at peace, don't know how it happened but it did.  I was now on a mission to fight this disease and to live my life like I should have been living it for that last 50 years! 

I have researched how I can help myself, I know some say that you shouldn't but I like to feel that I have some involvment in what happens to my body (and spirit) whist going through this.  I don't eat sugar, I eat mostly veg and fruit.  I take supplements - vitamins, friendly bacteria, EQ10, mushroom extract and superfood powder.  I have read a really good book called Anticancer written by a doctor wich really lifted me and made me feel like I could DO something and made sense.  Quackery I can hear some of you shout, maybe, maybe not, its not going to harm me so why not?

I have met some of the nicest people since being involved in the cancer "world" most of them fellow patients, I wish these people could be my friends under different circumstances but then I was a different person before this, I thought that work and money were the answers to my dreams now my dream is to just live.

I don't really know what the format is for these blogs but here is a bit of background, I live in Essex with my partner, she is devastated yet so supportive, and my dog (see avatar).  I am 50 years young and work for a contractor to the MOD.  I was in the army for a while in my youth but have worked in my present job for over 30 years.  Anyway that's about it for now.

Love Jayne xx

  • FormerMember
    Hi Jayne, it's great to see another with the positive get on and do it approach to this cancer business . I was the same when I was told . I was panicky for about 5 minutes then thought no I'm going to prove them all wrong . I was given 9 to 12 months 3 years ago now my Oncologist says I am his longest patient. And tells new patients that with the right attitude you can go on and on.its just sad that all the people I used to see when I went to see him, have all gone . Since Christmas I've been in a pretty dark place things had spread and I was full to the brim on Steroids that changed me completely , but now they are reduced drastically and I'm me again I'm looking up again at last.ready to fight the fight. Some people do shout Quackery about certain things but if I works for you makes you feel great, how can it be Quackery ,it's doing its job. I just wanted to say keep fighting ,stay positive and carry on kicking this disease into touch. A positive attitude does work, it's great to see you've got it. All the very best.
  • FormerMember
    Hi Jayne I agree with what you said about it 'being surreal yet also real' that's exactly how I feel. I found out that I had incurable cancer a few weeks ago and my panic attacks are getting less frequent. I don't know how you manage to work, I am so tired that I can barely function. Maybe it's because I have had a chest infection just after chemo and now my white blood cell count is low. Hopefully things will pick up because I would love to go back to work. I work in a library and it's a great job and my colleagues are more like friends. I will get a copy of the book you mentioned, anything positive helps. My brother in law makes me a vegetable drink everyday and I love fruit. You're right about priorities changing, my friends and family have said that it makes them look at things differently now. Good luck with your fight, I'm glad that you have a partner that supports and loves you, I find that helps me. Take care Pat x