lisa j

  • Mom's not well



    Its been a while since I blog,

    unfortunatley my mom was rushed into hosptial 10 days ago her remaining kidney wasn't working properly, at one point she had no renal function at all. Its been such a worrying time at one point I really thought she wouldn't pull through.

     She just went down ill so quickly we where even asked if we wanted her Resuscitate her, god that was such a shock, we couldn't answear because…

  • Not so good today


    Well what a last few days we have had

    I'm Not feeling to good today, feel a bit sick and Ive got a sore throat and a  upset tummy. Its been a busy old week at work so far, its my week of lates so I do long working days so I'm feeling pretty crap really.

    Not sure what to do about my mom, its hardly surprising but I think she's really depressed, Ive tried to talk to her but she just putting up a brick wall.…

  • Price less comment



    Not to good today I can.t stop crying, I think the last few weeks have eventually caught up with me.

    My auntie popped in this afternoon she wasn;t in the house five min and she started talking about a programme that was on the BBC last night about death she proceded to tell my mom about this man and how he died and how he wasn't in any pain at the end.

    I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, she made me…

  • hospital appt



    Well what day full of emotions again, my mom had her results today of her the CT scan she had last week. It was abit of a mixed bag really, the consultant said the cancer has spread again its seems a bit worse in her back. But he did say they wasn't really sure if it was the radiotherpy or if it was the cancer.

    He won'ts her to start a differant kind of chemo ( tablet form) but he told us NHS does not fund…




    Well just got in from work I'm a bit tied today its been a busy one.

    Mom's seems a bit down to night and she's in a bit of pain, she's just told me that she's worried about her appointment to see the consultant about her results.

    God what do you say to that.

    I've tried to be positve about it and say the wright words but I'm not sure if I'am.  Deep down I know Ive got the exact…