Not so good today

2 minute read time.

Well what a last few days we have had

I'm Not feeling to good today, feel a bit sick and Ive got a sore throat and a  upset tummy. Its been a busy old week at work so far, its my week of lates so I do long working days so I'm feeling pretty crap really.

Not sure what to do about my mom, its hardly surprising but I think she's really depressed, Ive tried to talk to her but she just putting up a brick wall.  I'm hoping she will pull her self out of it but I really dont know what to do. 

I now I can't stop crying again!

My mom spoke to my auntie on the phone to night you never guess what I heard her say " that she ( thats my auntie) feels depressed", thats all my mom needs I really can't believe that women, I do love her but I'm not sure I like her very much at the moment every time she opens her mouth she puts both feet in it.  WHAT THE HELL THE MATTER WITH HER.

I don't know perhaps its me, I think I'm just a bit off at the moment

 I really do wont her to come to lunch on sundayif mom feels up to it but I'm so scared she will say something again and upset mom.and me for that matter and I'm worried this time I might loose it big time.

I dont feel I'm geting the support from the people around me at the moment its becoming increasingly harder  to manage work and home. My sister bless her does try but she's not in  the  best of health her self.  She pops in to see mom every night for a chat and gets her pension etc and my brother inlaw  is very good giving lifts and doing the occassional shop.

. However my brotheris  doing his normal putting his head in the sand and does the accasional visit at the weekend ( my sister calls it the royal visit lol) I know If I ask him to do stuff he would do it but I really shouldn't have to ask.  If he just came and spent a bit of time with mom it would help.

i'm really worried about her not eatting, I do her breakfast before I go to work and also a sandwich for her lunch but then she won't really have anything else to eat.    when I get homeshe might have a yogurt or some tinned fruit.  Just a bit worried about her diabetes.

 O well I must try and get some sleep Its another early start again in the morning my alarm goes off at 5.30 am and then the days starts all over again.

God life is so crap sometimes !!!!!!!!!

sorry if I'm rantting  abit

  • FormerMember

    hi lisa

    my heart goes out to you...its so difficult and i can totally understand where you are coming from

    you do need support yourself and hopefully you will find that here. always here if you want to shout ,scream,laugh or cry.

    thinking of you

    wendie xx

  • FormerMember

    If you're not allowed to rant here, where can you? Support comes in many forms and though peole on here may not be abe to give physical support that can do the moral bit of letting yu know that you are not alone in your frustrations.

    i am a patient not a carer but I am very concerned that my family's life should not revolve around me. The nearest family are 20 miles away so with them all working I can not expect, and do not want them to be at my beck and call every moment. We do contact most days via Facebook or telephone and, for me it is enough to know that they would drop everything and turn up if I needed them.

    It may be that your brother is dealing wwith it in the only way he can so don't let his apparent lack of caring affect your relaitonship. Some people find it very difficult to cope with illness and would rather pretend it isn't happening. We all deal with things in our way.

    Try to keep your spirits up and give yurself some time.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa,

    There's nothing wrong with a good rant, we all need to rant from time to time, especially when times get hard and we're tired, stressed and fed up.

    I'm sure your auntie must be related to mine, mine has all the sensitivity of a Chieftain tank and just manages to say the wrong thing every single time. For example I've spent all evening picking up messages from people who are terrified my dad is about to check out as Sue has taken it upon herself to take the update she was given by mum, twist it around in her head and pass on a tale that bears no resemblance at all to the actual truth. So now I've got to write up another bulletin and send put the actual truth to calm people down. Sigh.

    My mum is my dad's main carer but she's not handling this well at all so now I'm doing the practical bits I can, visiting him in Christies each night and propping the both of them up as best I can. I start work at 7.30am each day and don't get back home for dinner till about 9pm. It's tiring and I sometimes wonder how I ever had the nerve to complain that I was busy before. So you are far from alone in being tired, busy and stressed, there's loads of us all ploughing along and looking to each other for support.

    Maybe your brother isn't dealing with it very well or doesn't realise how much day to day stuff needs doing, have you tried having a word with him and asking him to pull his weight more? Talking of weight, if your mum is having difficulty eating, speak to your GP about getting a prescription for Fortisip or Fortijuice or similar nutritional supplement to make up the calories and nutrients she needs to keep her going. Also, check that the reason she isn't eating isn't problems with her mouth. One of the drugs gave my dad terrible oral thrush so he stopped eating because it hurt. He's eating again now it's been treated.

    I hope your mum feels better soon and you get your family sorted out and behaving themselves! All the best, Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa,

    Mike,s right if you want to rant ,rave,shout,roar, or cry.

    Theres no more understanding than here on this site.

    We have all been there and done it. Look after yourself.

    Keep in touch.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx