hospital appt

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Well what day full of emotions again, my mom had her results today of her the CT scan she had last week. It was abit of a mixed bag really, the consultant said the cancer has spread again its seems a bit worse in her back. But he did say they wasn't really sure if it was the radiotherpy or if it was the cancer.

He won'ts her to start a differant kind of chemo ( tablet form) but he told us NHS does not fund it so he will have to apply for it, at this point I must admiit my heart went in my mouth, I just kept thinking they wouldn't let her have it. But he did say he didn't think there wouldn't be any problem.

She seemed a bit shell shocked when we came out she was really quiet when we were in the taxi coming home, I kept catching a look at her in the wing mirror she looked so sad.

I just didn't know what to say. I tried to reasure her but i dont think I'm doing a very good job.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa,

    You are doing a very good job helping your Mum. Your there if she needs  to talk .or if she just wants a big Hug just to let her know that you are there for her. But dont forget about yourself you need to look after yourself as well. You need some me time. So remember how much

    you Love her and she loves you.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi lisa

    just being there is more than enough. i feel like that with my dad at times but one squeeze of his hand and i know im doing enough

    fngers crossed the dr gets funding for dad went down same path and was told expensive etc but he was on sutent for 14months and then moved onto everolimus

    thinking of you and sending hugs to u and your mum

    twizz x x

  • FormerMember

    just be there, she will know that you love and care and that is as good a medecine as you can give.

  • FormerMember

    my little support machine my daughter ronay is always with me for apps chemo etc etc without her i dont know what id do she is 20 and sometimes we dont talk about cancer in fact we never talk about cancer at all we go round the houses and talk about everything else we can think of because i dont want to cry in front of her shes my baby and im supposed to shelter her from everything thats my job so perhaps your mum is trying not to upset you by crying in front of you she is im sure so happy you are by her side all the time and giving her support us mums are funny people our kids are always our kids no matter how old you get we look at you and know what our job was from the day you were born we never thought that one day we would need you to support us so dont worry just give her that special cuddle when you next make her that cuppa it makes all the difference and you dont need to say anything girl that cuddle will tell her everything love to you all jenxxxx