Mom's not well

1 minute read time.


Its been a while since I blog,

unfortunatley my mom was rushed into hosptial 10 days ago her remaining kidney wasn't working properly, at one point she had no renal function at all. Its been such a worrying time at one point I really thought she wouldn't pull through.

 She just went down ill so quickly we where even asked if we wanted her Resuscitate her, god that was such a shock, we couldn't answear because my brother was away and I didn't think it was far for us to make that decision, my heart said one thing and my head said another.

OMG me and my sister cried so much over the past 10 days I'm getting on my own nerves now lol.

the good news is My mom seems to be a lot better over the last few days she eating a lot better and her renal function is better l and her blood pressure is a lot better.

I'm exhusted the dr put me off sick for 2 wks with stress, I'm so worried about work but I know  couldn't function there, unfortunatley my boss is not the most understanding but i really can't go back yet.

I need to get mom sorted and also get my head sorted too.

