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Not to good today I can.t stop crying, I think the last few weeks have eventually caught up with me.

My auntie popped in this afternoon she wasn;t in the house five min and she started talking about a programme that was on the BBC last night about death she proceded to tell my mom about this man and how he died and how he wasn't in any pain at the end.

I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, she made me so angry I had to get up and walk out of the room, I wanted to say something but I didn't wont to upset my mom any more, I  don't understand how some people can be so thoughtless I could tell my mom was upset.

When I came back in I found it really hard not to cry infront of them, she didn't stop very long after that I think she knew she said the wrong thing.

After she'd gone I just burst into tears in front of mom I just couln't stop it.  Mom said she didn't take any notice  but I know she did.

I think my auntie should be someone who  my mom could confide in. some chance of that, Mom said she wouldn't confide in her anyway "god how sad is that" however she would with me and my sister, I suppose that some consulation.

I know at some stage My mom will won't to talk about dying but I don't think today was the day and that something she will bring up in her own time.

sorry if my speeling a bit rubbish to night I'm still crying its just like someone opened the flood gates :(


  • FormerMember

    Oh Lisa you poor thing you,some people just open there mouths and forget what can  comes out of it. i take it it was your moms sister, who should have known better, if not for her sister but for you, i hope you are feeling a little better know and the tears are a good release for you anyway but in your own time and not by someones opinion, if you where up set you should have told her. i have in the past been in your situation the first time i said nothing but the second i did ,i up set my sisters son but he got over it, all you want to do is to protect your mom, and you have that right.

    Hope your tears have dried.

    Louise xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa

    Some people just dont think do they? My mum could not talk to her sisters either. When my mum was` diagnosed with cancer and upset one of her sisters reminded her that her brother died when he was 54 and she had lived longer so what was the problem? Bearing in mind that her sister was nearly 20 years older than my mum, so how dare she?

    Furtermore the same sister told my mum not to be upset when my dad died becuase he had lived his life. He was only in his 40's...Sometimes peolpe are just so selfish. They can't even begin to put self in somebody elses shoes. Your mum has you and you'll find that she will know who is really there for her.

    I think Louise is correct about protection, its just so hard isnt it because all you want to do is bloody scream at them. If you can just remind yourself that your mum is fortunate to have a daughter that thinks so much about her. I am sure though that your mum has brought you up with values that have made you the person that you are.


  • FormerMember

    Why are people so bloody insensitive?

    My John's brother is the same.  He phones several times a week and tells him horror stories of people he has known with cancer who have died, etc and I just don't want to speak to him any more.  In fact, I could bash him!

    His son was the same (last time he saw him).  He talked about illness and death when John last saw him.  That was a year ago and he hasn't been near his father since.

    Your mum is so lucky to have you and don't worry about wanting to cry - it's entirely natural.  I've cried buckets since John was first diagnosed.

    You're not alone on here - tell us all your troubles and we'll be here to listen.  

    Take care.

    Lots of love, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa,

    I dont know what to say. How anybody could be so insensitive I do not know.  If I was you I would take your Auntie.

    to one side and tell her to be careful what she says in front of you or your Mum,and the hurt that it caused. She wont do it again.  Look after eachother you and your Mum.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx