lisa j

  • out journey with renal cancer


    Evening chaps

    Just a quick blog.

    Just got in from work god its been a long day!!! When I got home my sister and brother in-law was here, they just popped in to see mom was ok.  Mom seems quite up beat to night.

    As promised my auntie came to see mom at lunch time  and spent a couple of hours with her, my mom wouldn't admit it but I think she enjoyed having a bit of company while I'm at work. I'm hoping she will do it again…

  • renal cancer ( carers journey)


    Morning all

    I have had to go back to work today after last week set back with my mom, its was hard leaving her today I must admit, but my auntie popping round sometime this morning to spend a bit of time with her. 

    She 's seems more like her old self today she ate really well yesterday she had a sunday lunch whoooooooowooooo. This was first meal she's had for at least 3 wks so fingers crossed things are on the up…

  • renal cancer / careres journey


    morning all

    I woke early this morning yet again can't get past 5.00 oclock for some reason. thinking about lots of things today.  The results of my mom's scan on thursday every time I think about it I feel sick . Not sure if I should ask my sisiter to come with us or just to leave it to me and mom, My sister husband had some test for cancer too so she really is going though it at the I think it might just…

  • renal cancer


    well not a bad day today for my mom she's had her hair done and had somrthing to eat which is a big bonus. I think she even looks a bit better today

    Yesterday went well  I took her for her routine  CT scan, and yesterday morning I managed to buy a wheelchair for her at our local mobility shop, it turns out I knew the chap who own's it I went to school with him

    It was a stroke of luck really I didn't order it till…

  • My mom's journey with renal cancer



    Not sure if anyone will read this blog but I'll give it a go anyway,

    My mom was told she had renal cancer in december 2009, she came out of the operation fairly well but then had to start a form of Chemo called sunitineb which she took for around 12 months.  She also had to have some radiotherpy on her lumbar spine and most recently on her T-spine. 

     The radiotherpy this time round really knocked her about she…