Life without Hubby - Missing Him

  • Now supporting mum


    Now my mum is a widow, the other day she said to me "I should have supported you more, I didn't realise what you were going through".

    Only now that she has lost her husband, does she understand the emotional anguish that I had to deal with while maintaining routines and supporting my children through the loss of their father.

    What frustrates me is that as I know what she is going through and support her…

  • One year and a bit


    Well in some ways the year seems to have flown past, in others not so much. I miss having David around to back me up with the children and as a consequence they push me to my limits and sometimes beyond.

    Last New Years eve I tripped while cleaning the stairs after one of my son's was sick, and tore the legiment in my left thumb, I had to have an operation - fortunatly day surgery. But this meant I was reliant on my…

  • Moving on


    So now it is time to move on, and think about me. I need hugs and affection and not just from the kids, the kind you get from someone special. But first I need to remove David's things. Also to change my bed as someone new may not like to share the same bed I shared with my husband. The thing is the bed cost £7000 and is only 2 years old, it seems a shame to just throw it out, so the question is what to do with it.…

  • I got a job :-)


    I have a job.

    It is as a casual lunchtime supervisor, covering when the main lunchtime supervisor's are off sick.

    One is currently off on long term sick so I have worked last week, this week and due to work all next week. They never mentioned that at the interview. Also is it just me, or do schools have a different meaning of casual?

    When I accepted the job, I thought that's fine I can work 2-3 days (while someone…

  • One month on


    It has been a month since my dear Hubby drew his last breath, and cancer gained another victory :-(

    I am missing him very much.

    Silly little things, like telling him about something that happened, or getting him to help fill in forms (which I wouldn't need to be doing anyway if he hadn't have gone - but thats beside the point) paperwork was never my strong point, mind you nor was housework!

    Also having someone…