One month on

1 minute read time.

It has been a month since my dear Hubby drew his last breath, and cancer gained another victory :-(

I am missing him very much.

Silly little things, like telling him about something that happened, or getting him to help fill in forms (which I wouldn't need to be doing anyway if he hadn't have gone - but thats beside the point) paperwork was never my strong point, mind you nor was housework!

Also having someone else there to back you up with the kids when they don't do as they are told, on a plus side they are being helpful some of the time like offering to put the vacum cleaner round the floor.

Having to think about making arrangements to go out, as need to find someone to sit the children. Or worse having to do housework so people can come to my house rather than me go out.

During the day it's not so bad, except he doesn't keep phoning me to check how to spell things. But the nights when the kids are in bed and it is so quiet is worse. The number of times I have been watching something on TV and then gone to discuss it with Hubby.

Good job I have the "Warped" gang to keep me sane :-)

  • FormerMember


    I know it's not much, but, though I'm quite good with words as a general rule, here there's nothing I can do or say. I am so sorry that you're going through this. I can't even imagine how devastating it must be.

    Um ... 'Warped' ... sane ... hmmmmmm ...!



  • FormerMember

    Glad we are keeping you sane (??) Sue... errrrr hmmm.... ahem....

     As Hilary says not a lot of words to that one. Life doesn't get much sh*tter than that. I wish I could do your housework and look after the kids and say the right stuff but there isn't a right stuff to say really and I wish i could make the emptiness go away, but I can't ... so I will do what I can do which is keep on talking rubbish here there and everywhere on wapred so you can while away a bit of time with us.... cos you are not alone Sue, you have a whole bunch of loonies hanging around with you wondering if they might get a novelty pen or not.

    The biggest squidgiest hug to you

    Little My xxx

    ps don't clean cos people are coming round... you are allowed to have the place in a complete mess.... x

    pps I take it you can spell then as well as being the brains of our outfit? Wish I'd known earlier... I' m crap at spelling....

  • FormerMember

    Watching a programme called Choccywoccydoodah, they are doing Easter eggs and are making 1 egg that weighs the same as an average woman!

    Also they have very cute little sheep which are marshmellows stuck on an egg, they look sooo cute, think I need a trip to Brighton to get an Easter egg :-)

    LM, I can't really spell, just can break words down a bit better than hubby could. He would put in spellings and the computer would say "No idea" so he would ring me and between us we would get the computer to suggest the correct spelling :-)

    Also when people come round they seem to think that the chairs should be clear to sit on, rather than covered in craft stuff, toys, post, washing waiting to be put away etc. :-)

    Thanks for your hugs (((((((((( Hilary and LM ))))))))))))))))    :-)


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    Im afraid Im like the comments above.  There is nothing much I can say or do. I can send you my comfort and support and talk if and when you want to. I will always be here if you need and ear.

    Look after yourself and the kids.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    HI Sue,

    I've been through what you are suffering now and I remember the pain and that lost feeling. Despite that, I also have no magic words that can help, except to send bjg hugs.

    Yes, the moments when you see something and turn to discuss it with hubby will continue  for some time yet. Cherish those happy memories you have, they will help to carry you and the kids through.

    I'm new to warped but I understand what you mean about keeping you sane. When you see how loony that lot are, everyone else seems sane!

    Look after yourself and the kids and may the pain get dimmer.

    Lots of love and hugs,

    Colin xxx