I got a job :-)

1 minute read time.

I have a job.

It is as a casual lunchtime supervisor, covering when the main lunchtime supervisor's are off sick.

One is currently off on long term sick so I have worked last week, this week and due to work all next week. They never mentioned that at the interview. Also is it just me, or do schools have a different meaning of casual?

When I accepted the job, I thought that's fine I can work 2-3 days (while someone is sick with a cold) and have a couple of days off.

The last time I worked was when I was pregnant with my eldest who is now 10 years old! I had wanted to return after her birth part time 2-3 days a week, but the school I was working at wanted me to work 5 days from 11:30am til 4pm (which inveriably was really 5 or 6 pm) then an hour stuck in traffic to get home, when exactly was I supposed to have time with my new baby? So I quit to start raising my family.

I work for an hour and a half each day, but it is a bit of a shock to the system, and I get back and sleep till it's time to go back and get the kids from school.

Still, I am enjoying it. I like working with the children and I know the other ladies we are all friendly, and are either currant or former mum's, I am still free to support the children and attend assemblies, sports days, performances and concerts etc. and help out with class trips if required.

And it's good excercise, walking back and forth to school and walking around the playground.

I got a job!   I got a job!      did I mention I got a job :-)

Gotta go and sleep now, I feel tired.

At least it's happy tired :-)

  • FormerMember

    Hey well done!!!!

    Ooooooh get you with your fancy job and all that!!:o)

    Doesn't sound very casual to me... mind you it is a school... my school's idea of me phasing in was to squeeze my full time job into 3 days so I suspect they don't know the meaning.

    Serioulsy though, (if I can, well I'll have a go..) I think its amazing you are out with a job already and I think it will do you the world of good even if it does leave you knackered. as you say, happy tired is good. I suspect that you will miss it if they didn't call you in.

    Without a head tilt in sight, Sue, you are quite a woman.

    Oh I can't keep it up... cos we were talking about spelling a while ago, I have to confess you made me giggle cos you wrote currant mums and I had this picture little raisins with arms and legs with little currants running around them... so thanks for the giggle to kick start me for the day.

    And well done for braving the head tilters cos I reckon you must be getting loads of them...

    How brave... working as well, awww bless.... 

    Big hug to you and the kids (if they are still doing the hoovering for you)

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Sue,

    I'm so glad you are enjoying the new job and I'm sure you will do it so well, that they will hope for more colds and sickness around so they can keep you (but that sickness doesn't include cancer).

    Gosh, the very thought of kids doing the hoovering(or should that be dysoning these days?). My daughter has just brought 4 loads of washing around because her machine broke down. Her excuse was she came home for 9 terms at uni and never brought as much as a sock home for mum to wash, so I still owe her 5 loads of washing!

    Still she did let me use her discount card to buy my new walking boots.

    Big hugs to you and the Kids(unconditional for the kids as well!)

    Colin xxxx

    PS. It's Colin not Odin because I am being serious.

    PPs. See LM you can be serious if you try!

  • FormerMember


    Did I read that right - you got a job ? Blimey, you don't let the grass grow do you? Amazing news & well done you for braving the outside world after such a long time. I'm sure you'll get into the swing of it soon & won't feel so tired, plus it's a few extra pounds in your pocket & no travelling expenses. Magic!

    Love & hugs to you and The Kids,

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember


    I know we're quite mean sometimes about head-tilters, but, the thing is, what can you say when there's nothing sensible to say? Cliches become cliches because oftentimes they're universal truths. "Try to keep busy," "You have to live for yourself and the kids," "It'll get easier in time," and so on. (Actually, it isn't time that makes it easier, it's the repetition that sort-of wears you into a groove.)

    So I am not tilting my head, but I am saying well done, you. (Little My will like that!) It's a major step forward, and I hope it will be nothing but helpful for you.

    That doesn't mean that the whole situation doesn't suck, of course. Bloody cancer is the suckiest.

    I don't know if any of that made any sense. If not, file it under 'Hilary is trying to be supportive' and move along!

