One year and a bit

1 minute read time.

Well in some ways the year seems to have flown past, in others not so much. I miss having David around to back me up with the children and as a consequence they push me to my limits and sometimes beyond.

Last New Years eve I tripped while cleaning the stairs after one of my son's was sick, and tore the legiment in my left thumb, I had to have an operation - fortunatly day surgery. But this meant I was reliant on my parents for support with the kids for 48 hours as I didn't have a partner to help.

Managed to do the everyday tasks to get the kids up and ready for school, one handed :-).

The times it hits most are the anniversarys and birthdays, as well as when there are things on at the school, parent evenings where the children aren't allowed to attend, as I don't have someone to just leave the children with.

Some good news, I have found this really nice guy, we have been together now for about 3 months. It is nice having company in the evenings when the kids are asleep. However he doesn't want to tell the kids off as he doesn't want them not to like him. But it is early days yet. I am sure this will come in time as they push him to test how far they can go.

This year was our second Christmas without David, though we had my new partner, it was different without David, and I did miss him.

The children and I talk about the memories we have of David and all the things we used to do with him all the time. I think it is important for them, as I don't want them to forget him. Also it helps me too.

  • FormerMember

    It is nearly a year for me, and I understand all that you have written. I havent young children but when I was ill over Christmas I was wondering what on earth would I do with my 2 dogs if I had to go into Hospital! Like you the year has gone quickly in some ways, and slow in others.

    Just wanted to say I am pleased you have found you have another life still to live. I hope it all goes well for you and your children.

     Good Luck





  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    I can't believe it's a year already!  Of course you miss David, you have the living proof of his love for you in your children. I well remember what it was like being a single parent & having to be responsible for every little decision. It's exhausting! So I'm really please you've found someone nice and have some adult company. Tell your friend not to let the kids walk all over him - if this develops into a permanent relationship it will be difficult to set boundaries where there have't been any before, and they need to be able to respect his authority. I mean this in the nicest possible way - it will be hard for them to accept a new "Dad" however lovely your new man is. My daughter was always acidly critical (in private, thank heavens) of anyone I brought home who didn't meet her exacting standards!

    But enough of the "advice". I hope you and your children will be happy and that life will be good to you all.

    With love & hugs,

    Twirly xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Sue,

    Nice to see you posting again on here and with some positive brightness for the future. It is hard and sad as you say, but I am pleased you have found someone to share it with. 3 months is early days and in time he will get to know your children and be able to help a bit with them. Your kids seem good at giving you the run around as far as I remember.... sorry they are still doing it but it is really good that they are able to talk about their dad a lot and that will help a lot.

    I wish you all the best for the future and that your new relationship works out well with the kids and you get some help in not being alone.

    I confess I did have to giggle at the thought of you typing without your thumb. I was thinking about you yesterday as i was trying to find the poem Hilary wrote for post number 666 in warped. I couldn't find it and thought Oh I wish Sue was here, she always knew what pages things were on...

    Hope it all goes ok with your dad too.

    big hug

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for all your comments

    Little My, Hilary's poem for post 666 is on Page 84 - here is a link

  • FormerMember

    Oh Sue, you are amazing!!!!! Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx